How many NWTs did you own as a JW?

by jayhawk1 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    I had a lot of bibles for someone who didn't talk at the door and didn't comment at meetings:

    1 Green bastard with the Jehovah's Dinosaur in it
    1 Hard cover 1984 edition (not sure about the references)
    1 Black pigskin with references
    1 Black Pocket-Pigskin

    Okay, so only four of them. I REALLY wanted a maroon one, because I thought they looked nicer, but that was back when you still had to pay for literature (I think) and those things were $40 a piece.

    I honestly don't know if they were made of pigskin or old governing body members.

    Then, throw my mother in there. She had one of those mid-70s big-ass black ones that constantly sat on a desk. Those things made you look like a friggin' scholar. Too bad they didn't make you as smart as one. She also had like 4 hard covers, 3 pocket ones, and 2 regular pigskin with references. My dad only had one bible - the maroon one. Go figure.

    I think I still own all my bibles, but I can't be sure. Haven't looked at them in a while. Me and my wife own like 10 bibles combined, and we're quite anti-religious.

  • mariposa

    Hmmmm.....Let me try to remember...

    I had 1 Hardback black in English and one in Spanish (I think I had a few of these set aside in the offchance I found an intetested worldling )

    1 large reference black one

    1 leather nice one in red....I had a bookmark made of about 8 different color ribbons I always ran through my fingers at meetings.

    1 red leather King James my great grandmother had gotten me when I was little

    1 other translation paperback that was like a modern translation in 20th century english

    As for now, the only NWT I have is the red one. I've got the other 2 that I had before I was a witness too, more for sentimental value. I'm really not sure in what box or closet they are all in right now.

  • blondie

    1 small black leatherbound NWT in my "bookbag" (not written in)

    1 small black NWT in my meeting bag (copiously written in and highlighted unless I had started over with a new Bible)

    1 big large-print black NWT

    1 big cross-reference NWT

    1 interlinear with English/NWT

    I had about 20 other translations but the question is about NWTs

    As my smaller Bibles wore out, I just got one from lost and found from the assemblies...mostly new and no names...why pay (pre-1990)


  • jayhawk1

    Well at least I am not alone in the Bible collecting. And from what I gather in the replies, nobody believes the amount of Bibles equaled JW Spirituality. Or did we?

    For the record, I stopped collecting Bibles. I collect movies.

  • unbeliever

    When I was still going I had 2. Now I own 0 bibles.

  • jayhawk1

    Blondie, you got one from lost and found.

    And you didn't consider that stealing?

    I guess that makes you "Blondie of the Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers Class."

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