What the hell are they thinking?

by JeffT 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • james_woods

    I had thought about this subject way back in the '70s...why wouldn't they want to make the Awake more of a "general interest" magazine? It always was said to be something as much for the outside world as for the JWs. It sure might have made it easier to sell at the doors - imagine if it looked almost as good as a National Geographic, or at least like a Readers Digest, for low cost...

    (of course, the side point was always made that "real" publishers probably would not want to read Time or Newsweek - so they needed a "news magazine" too.)

    Now, we find it to be cut back to once a month, and if I read the post trends, focusing even more on bad news and time of the end. And, wasn't that horror of "kids who died without blood" an Awake article?

    Makes you kind of want to see a good old-fashioned article about say, the "cotton industry" or maybe the life cycle of the monarch butterfly.

    No wonder even the witnesses can hardly read this junk, let alone people they sell it to or who happen to find an old one in a laundramat.


  • garybuss

    I was troubled by the magazines offered to the "public" 40 years ago. Some of those were downright disrespectful and insulting to the people of non Witness faiths. I was ashamed of the writing, the way we marketed the magazines, and I was ashamed to be a Witness. Most of us were.

    When the Society quit direct sales and quit subscriptions, the Watchtower magazine went to an insider's magazine like the Kingdom Ministry.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I think the mags are now primarily designed to keep the current membership in line. The lateest wt studies have been very guilt - inducing for anyone who is a committed jw, and complete and utter nonsense for anyone who isn't. Those articles on how to treat people who leave the cult, ie completely ignore them if you can, or have as little contact with them as possible if you can't, should make a slightly interested person run for their life away from the wts if they really read them. Who wants to join a religion that might expect you to behave like that in the future?

    It seems like they aren't busting a gut anymore to make converts like they used to, but just trying to keep the already - brainwashed under full control.

  • moshe

    Anybody who picks up a Watchtower at a doctor's off waiting room has got to be put off from looking into going to a KH meeting or a study with JW's. I remember long ago we used to really get outsiders dropping by to check us out- they were pounced on by a JW and the new person started a Bible study with them right away.. Of course, that was before 1975.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Does anyone recall the ex JW website where the guy had fake Awake! Magazine covers such as: Solving World Hunger: Kill 99.9% of the earth's population. Or Ending child abuse: kill 99.9% of Earth's population (including children and babies.)?

  • diamondblue1974

    False Prophecying: Will it ever end? 5 Meetings a Week: Will it ever end? Saturday Morning Service: Will it ever end? Special Day Assemblies: Will it ever end? Murdering victims through refusal of blood transfusions: Will it ever end? Villifying Beards and Tatooes: Will It Ever End? The CO's Visit: Will It Ever End?
    Paedophile protection within Jehovahs Witness Congregations: will it ever end? Equal Rights for women within the Congregation: is this achievable? and in announcing the news...(or whatever it used to be called) 'WTS launch new degree program: MSc (Janitorial Studies) DB74

  • LennyinBluemont

    Talk about Awake! cover articles without any general public appeal, one of the funniest moments I had in field service was back in the 70's, I was a young publisher working with an elder I liked a lot. Walking between doors, he pulled out his current Awake! and read from the cover headline, "To Be or Not to Be - A Nuclear Physicist" and then immediately commented, "A question on the minds of many people today." It really cracked me up.

  • OnTheWayOut
    False Prophecying: Will it ever end? 5 Meetings a Week: Will it ever end? Saturday Morning Service: Will it ever end? Special Day Assemblies: Will it ever end? Murdering victims through refusal of blood transfusions: Will it ever end? Villifying Beards and Tatooes: Will It Ever End? The CO's Visit: Will It Ever End?

    Mary, that is great. You are now officially one of my favorite posters. LOL

  • Mary
    Mary, that is great. You are now officially one of my favorite posters. LOL

    Aw thanks hon........I'm just tryin' to think how we can get them made up into official looking Asleep magazines and send them to the local Kingdum Halls. heh-heh-heh.

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    .lol.. yep Asleep magazine much more fitting cover.

    The most shocking to me was the cover with children on it, they were about the age of my children at the time. Gosh it is hard to even type this but some of you already know which one.

    They hailed these poor children as martyes since they had died for lack of blood. I think that was a turning point for me. It came out in the 80ies ...

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