I'm going home, and I got a call from my dub uncle....

by Stealth453 43 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • crazyblondeb
    *starts chant* pictures, pictures, pictures

    pictures, pictures, pictures,.....................continues chant!!!

  • Mary
    Last night, my uncle called me and told me to " watch my tongue in front of the "witness" people there, or they "would have to ask me to leave", and that " if I refused to leave voluntarily, the police would be called".

    What a goomba.........I'd consider doing one of the following:

    1. Tell your uncle to piss off and don't bother showing up at YOUR party if that's going to be his attitude
    2. Tell your uncle not to "preach his religion to anyone at YOUR party" because if he did, you or your brother would "have to ask him to leave" and that if he refused to leave voluntarily, "the police would be called."
    3. Phone your uncle's elder body and inform them that he's associating needlessly with family members who have left the Troof, which goes directly against the advice of the GB in the Craptower articles. (heh-heh-heh).

    Sorry, but your uncle sounds like a self-righteous jackass.

  • juni

    Looking forward to how it went Stealth!! Do they have the Internet in jail???


    You have a PM Stealth.

  • Abandoned

    The jw truly are the most self-centered people on the planet.

  • Forscher

    Personally I would've told my uncle he was out of line and gotten myself uninvited to my own party!,/p>

    The nerve of folks! I would've been nice about it at one time. In fact, when my stepson got married my wife's ex showed up. I was asked to not start anything. Guess who got in my face? You guessed it, my wife's ex. When we arrived at the reception, my wife and I we asked to leave because my presence upset Mrs. Forscher's ex! Pissed me off that a chronic adulterer and wife beater was considered better company than me. Since then I've stopped taking crap. Its led to some interesting confrontations (I have martial arts training and folks know it), but that is my policy.

    Have fun and let us know how it goes!


  • JWdaughter

    So, don't you sometimes wish they WOULD just shun you already? Not quite sure what all the crazy JWs are doing at the house of an ex JW to honor an ex JW-personally, I would univite the one who presumes to dictate.

    Pictures, Pictures!!

  • crazyblondeb

    MMmmmmm...I hope he's not in jail!!

  • crazyblondeb

    details!! We are still waiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • unbeliever


    *beginning to wonder if stealth is in jail*

  • crazyblondeb


    We are really starting to get worried!! Are you still with us, or do we need to get out the blood hounds??

    I'd ask if you were in jail, but, don't think you can see this in jail!!!

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