sex abuse of wives

by J-ex-W 36 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • J-ex-W

    Yikes!!! My ex was full of threats and intimidation, always, too. It is so unreal hearing it come from someone else's life...and yet the threat seems so real on the inside... Sorry you went through that!!! Hope his threatening tongue gets permanently implanted onto his penis. That'll kill two birds with one stone: Stop the threats and help him to 'help himself,' so to speak. And even give him a taste of his own medicine. After a while, he'd get tired of having to please himself all the time, and then he'll get to see what it's like to have this demanding penis following him around wherever he goes.

  • Fleshybirdfodder

    I don't know what to say, and I can't imagine the humiliation and abuse that women have had to subject themselves to and endure under the false idea that they are in servitude to God. One of the many reasons my wife and I left the org was the ridiculous misogyny that they promulgate. They look to "heros" like Solomon, Sampson, David etc... etc.. that treated women like livestock. Women who were actually part of a decision making or political process (Jezebel) were villified and executed. Please keep talking about this, don't let it be buried under the carpet as so many things are in this sick cult. Thanks for your bravery and honesty.


  • moshe

    Lady Lee- my former wife of only 9 months could cure any man of sexual desire. sex 3 times a day- wake the husband up at 2am for sex, sex at 5am before you could get out of bed in the morning,interrupt his football games for sex, 6 times a day on weeks ends- hey. you're not working- you can't be tired! - yes, that treatment will kill all sexual urges in only a few months.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    that sounds like a seriously addicted women with a lot of control issues. And I totally agree that it would quickly extinguish anyone's desire to have sex

  • J-ex-W

    Unreal. I hear it from other people's mouths, and I'm like, 'Man! That's wrong!!!" Yet under my husband's roof (and the WT's abuser-protecting umbrella), I felt guilty saying no, no matter what the context. Sorry you went through this!!! Hope you're healing now.

    Hey--I got an idea tonight: has a few webcam users on it; I've been trying to think for a while of how to use online resources to educate people about abuse issues and other life things. (I'm not that computer-forward, but I'm learning.) Anyway, I wonder if it could be worthwhile to offer such a service for live discussion on such a site as this? I'm on disability due multiple medical conditions and am looking for a way to contribute/ connect to the larger world despite my very restrictive life circumstances. [I'm also sitting at the level of 'Extreme Poverty,' according federal United States standards, despite a lot of personal talent/ resources to offer. Need a creative means/ opportunity to break out of this dismal trap.

    Any feedback from anyone?

  • jgnat

    Some thoughts.

    Do you have a videocam?

    I prefer the written word over video and voice. It allows me to be one step removed from intimacy on the 'net. Along with great folk like moshe and Lady Lee, the predators lurk. Are you sure you want to open yourself up visually to the www?

    Perhaps start with a blog. Some popular blogs net thousands of readers.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    I have a webpage that is mostly about sexual abuse but there is also info on spiritual abuse (the URL Lee Marsh Abuse Recovery Page)

    These days it is really easy to create a page or start a blog or find someone else page that you can contribute to

  • Abandoned
    He's still in good standing, and I'm inactive,

    I don't know how far along you are in your recovery, but look what you wrote here. This says volumes. You are on your way to recovery from the jw nightmare and this guy is still stuck in the quagmire. It definitely looks like you got the more perfect gift.

  • J-ex-W


    I feel for you so much! So sorry this was your experience.... I actually didn't respond right away because it's sometimes hard to hear and know how to respond at first. [Which is sad, because you would think that someone who's experienced things similar would not be taken aback in this way. I guess it just goes to show how horrible this sort of thing is all around.]

    Peace and healing to you.

  • lovelylil


    Thank you for that. I am MUCH better now. I still have my disease but because I am no longer under the stress of the WT, I actually feel a lot better. Also, since getting out my hubby has changed a lot. I really think it is being in the org. that makes a lot of people un-sympathetic to others. You become so self centured and judgemental because you are always obsessing over your own spiriutality, your time sheet, your calls, how you look to others, etc. you don't have time to think about others and how they feel. My hubby is still breaking down some old ideas but he is progressing more each day. It takes time. He is much more understanding now of my condition. Lilly

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