Should Bush and Cheney be Impeached?

by frankiespeakin 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robdar

    Are you at all afraid of the end? If so do not be afraid. All people will be forgiven in due season.

    Kind of you to ask. No, I am not afraid of the end nor do I believe it will come. I am already forgiven as are you and all others on this planet. I hope you do not have much anxiety about it either.

    But we are getting off topic, EK. This thread is about impeaching Bush and Cheney. What we are doing is referred to as highjacking. I don't want to do that to Frankie--it isn't polite. Perhaps you can start another thread asking others if they are afraid of the end.

    I hope you have a good night with sweet dreams. I'm off for bed.


  • Warlock

    Don't forget to impeach ALL the members of Congress that agreed to it.

    Also, don't forget to use International Law to take care of the leaders in all the countries that agreed with the "faulty" intelligence.

    Oh, and don't forget to include the U.N.


  • earthly king
    earthly king

    Don't forget to impeach ALL the members of Congress that agreed to it.

    Also, don't forget to use International Law to take care of the leaders in all the countries that agreed with the "faulty" intelligence.

    Oh, and don't forget to include the U.N.


    Many members of the politcal parties have been proven to be corrupt. It has been proven that the nations were misled into war. It has been proven that many have been killed in the Holy Land; innocent men, women, and children. Many have been falsely imprisoned in the name of terrorism. They invaded a sovereign nation never authorized by the united nations. They violated the consitiution of the united states in which they are supposed to uphold every word. They caused those in the Middle East to hate one another and kill one another. The love of the greater number has become cold.

    This is what will impeach them in a lawful court of law. The Almighty has already condemned them as kings of the earth, and military commanders. They will all be removed under the Laws in The Kingdom of GOD. All political manly govermental authorities will bow down before their King Jesus Christ. This after the Almighty brings his enemies in subjection. It is written.......
  • roybatty

    Don't forget to impeach ALL the members of Congress that agreed to it.

    Also, don't forget to use International Law to take care of the leaders in all the countries that agreed with the "faulty" intelligence.

    Oh, and don't forget to include the U.N.


    Exactly. I have no problem putting Bush & Co. on trial for executing a poorly thought out plan that resulted in the deaths of thousands of people but along side him I want to see all those who voted for the war along with the likes of Ted Kennedy who is boarderline treasonist.

  • Warlock

    I think the reason we are all here, is because we don't like being deceived. Just tell us the truth. We are adults, not children. We can handle it.


  • earthly king
    earthly king

    I think the reason we are all here, is because we don't like being deceived. Just tell us the truth. We are adults, not children. We can handle it.


    Amen, as I am in agreement with you. Have a pleasant night.......

  • Warlock

    You too, ek.


  • jaguarbass

    How about this? Google the word failure and see what you get. The presidency of George M Bush.

    I'd like to see the dingbats held accountable. I dont think there is any way for the American people to make the clowns pay. I liked Clinton, when they impeached him nothing happened. If they impeach M nothing will happen. It may take the countrys focus off important issues, The price of gas or alternative energy, I dont know if its possible to straighten out the mess M made in Iraq. Maybe let Saddam out of Jail and put M in and let Saddam call the shots on M's plight. M is a W properly adjusted for Bush M= Moron

  • jaguarbass

    This is what will impeach them in a lawful court of law. The Almighty has already condemned them as kings of the earth, and military commanders. They will all be removed under the Laws in The Kingdom of GOD. All political manly govermental authorities will bow down before their King Jesus Christ. This after the Almighty brings his enemies in subjection. It is written

    Are you kidding? The bible says God chooses the king. The American people did not choose Bush. Why would God be mad at Bush's actions when he put him in office.

    That is like God getting mad at himself because he sacraficed himself to himself.

    If there is a God Bush and his crooked cronies are his boys.

  • JeffT

    Funny how the gander squirms when he finds himself in similar sauce the goose was in.

    Hey, maybe Bush will be acquitted too. Why don't we go for it and find out?

    Who's squirming? Like I side, it's decided case law.

    It is clear in retrospect that the impeachment of Bill Clinton was a huge mistake. It seems that some seem determined to prove they learned nothing from it. If the Democrats want to take their hard won majority and demonstrate that they're small minded vindicative fanatics, be my guest. They've said they want to move the country in a new direction, let's see them do it.

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