"Let the woman keep silent"

by belbab 66 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • restrangled

    Let the Women keep silent?

    NOT THIS GIRL! THEY CAN KISS MY......Doberman!


  • Gill

    Thanks Narkissos!

    It's wonderful to have so many on this board who know what they're talking about, unlike having listened to the WTBTS crap for all my life and finding that it was just that!

    Thanks all you real scholars!

  • belbab

    Gawd, Gawd, please send me someone to hi-jack this thread. Now I know how Bush-baby feels; penetrating the fields of Iraq with his spearhead of hardened troops and enjoying the orgasmic euphoria for about thirty days, and now giving birth to squabbling siblings called Sunni and Shiite.

    Guess I will just have to plough on and hi-jack the thread myself.

    Where were we?
    Mr. Gumby, In reply to one of your initial posts on this thread, if there is such a person known legally as Mrs. Gumby, give her my regards. If she still goes by the name her daddy gave her, good on you both. If she goes by the name her daddy gave her added to the name she vowed to use that was given to her by you, good on her. If she is a temporary resident, I, following ancient precedent of The Man, kneel before her and scribble the sand in silence.

    Woodsman: Allow me to draw your attention to the following quote from your post.

    Still if people start persecuting JWs there is no way in hell I'll let my wife go out in service and I will personally persecute any "brother" who encourages her to do so.

    As do I, following custom from ancient times, you refer to your life companion as “my wife”. There are many experiences on this board of examples of exactly what you describe. What if your wife, follows the so called encouragement aka commandment and is determined to go door to door in spite of your contra-persecutions? Paul is condemned for pressing the mute button on woman to silence them from speaking publicly. Would you not be doing the same, by silencing your wife from expressing her inculcated convictions publicly?

    She is being persecuted now! She is held captive now! She is being robbed of her life now! Door to door work, as I see it, is the most boring, tedious, futile, discouraging activity, in existence today. Good news, even bad news, will travel by itself swiftly, and in a few short days become stale. Propaganda takes effort and expenses. I would rather literally, poke my finger in a live, empty light socket than go door to door. Ya, I know, some people get a high doing it. If so, let them go for it, til they are sick of it.

    I started this post to counteract the WT article in January that seems to be intended to check the loosening bonds on their great feminine work force enforced in slavery. Ya, ‘the great host of woman proclaiming the good news” is slipping from their sheep pens. I am endeavoring to find some arguments to expose their so-called encouragement by undermining their so called ‘Bible based ‘ foundations.
    Blondie, Crazyblonde, Mary, and all the other blondes, no matter what color your hair, I think I get your message loud and clear. Rather than words, written or spoken, you switch to expressing your emotions and convictions with an internet mode of using emoticons, and icons. I wanted to get a second opinion as to whether there are feminine, neutral or masculine emoticons, so I typed emoticons male female in google and found a number of studies that indicated that this is so.
    Down through ages womankind have always found ways of expression. Many times it has had to been, cries, laments, wailings. Other times, it has been flowers, song and dance. Other times it has been through their children. It has been said that, silence is golden, that it speaks louder than words. How much talent has been wasted and lost during the last 100 years or so, taken from the adepts of Watchtower land? My beliefs are that it is not lost forever.

    Blondie, your post to Gumby with some picture on it came through to me as a little red X in a box. Billy Gates said I needed to download an update, and some program, active x or something prohibits the picture. Never mind, I accept your X’s and reciprocate with several in return. XXXXXX.I assume the image was masculine according to Gumby as he suspected it was Leo in the Loo. He did not specify how he determined the masculinity, whether he saw walnuts or duffle bags, swivel sticks or puppy dog tails. I hope he had both hands on his own and not one somewhere else.

    Ms Jones: Oh my! I have a jones for Southen Comfort Vanilla Spice Eggnog and Khalua, Yum

    If that isn’t a woman’s drink I don’t know what is. How about accepting an invite to a tail gate party, with cold bottles of beer at a gravel pit. Bring your own shovel to clear the snow, as I can’t borrow my wife’s. If that doen’t appeal to you send your boy friend.

    To be continued inshah allah

  • crazyblondeb
    How about accepting an invite to a tail gate party, with cold bottles of beer at a gravel pit. Bring your own shovel to clear the snow,

    I love tail-gating parties!! Used to do alot of them in Dallas!!

    I need to borrow someone's shovel, as I'm still stuck!! Gonna be needing some care packages, if the mail ever decides to run!!!!!!!!

  • mouthy

    I noticed belbub You did not want to remember going out in service with this "twit" of a sister????? Why was the memory to frightning???

  • restrangled

    Belbab, so what is it exactly, you are asking for? As you can see most women on this site don't take to the subservient female role, and react by joking about it. Thats why we are all here to begin with. We didn't buy into it.

    Definition of subservient: useful in an inferior capacity : SUBORDINATE

    Most women I know would be superior to their male counterparts in a position such as an elder and/or Governing bodymember. Much like this country. Most of the men "In Charge" are idiots then put their idiot pals in charge, and sit in alarm as the rank and file start squawking.


  • daniel-p
    This was necessary because the island of Crete was infested with Pirates. Corinth was the San Diego of its day.

    San Diego is renowned for its infestation of pirates. This is why all the women there are urged to be silent. Because of the pirates.

  • blondie

    In my experience, when dealing with life's problems it is not a good idea to eliminate 50% of the possible data.

    I always found a "suitable" way to make my thoughts known.

    It is still quite a powerful "privilege" to answer at the JW meetings...not that many use it as an appropriate platform to make a point with the WT publications (hang them with their own words) and even the bible (which should be the real authority).

    In the end, money talks and if a woman has plenty of moola and gives it to the congregation, her wishes are very important. There is the withhold sex method some elders wives use in regard to their husbands to get their wishes to the front of the line.

    I found the men at the KH and elsewhere to be too easy to manipulate.

    Some brothers think that anointed women when in heaven will still only be allowed to judge/rule over women on earth.

    Blondie (I always got my point across)

    PS the picture was just a different version of the "crack of doom"

  • FlyingHighNow
    Females are not colored red, they are camouflaged, Nature, as in many, many cases has protected the female and her offspring at the expense of the male. The predator, the cat in this case, pounced on the male.

    But with human beings, God gave the women knockers. How much protection is this?

    Let's face it, boys, no one was trying to protect women. The women needed protection from controlling, dominant men. They sure as heck didn't get it.

  • FlyingHighNow
    In the end, money talks and if a woman has plenty of moola and gives it to the congregation, her wishes are very important. There is the withhold sex method some elders wives use in regard to their husbands to get their wishes to the front of the line.

    In my opinion, this is the crux of the headship issue. Sex. Women can turn it down a lot easier than men. Therefore women have more power. They did this to even the playing field. Think about it.

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