Were You Ever In The Congregation Clique?

by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    As the son of a single mother (in the 'truth') it was pretty hard to be in the in crowd. The only way would have been to distance myself from my mother and become a yes man, working twice as hard to kiss ass than elders sons. That type of clique I wanted no part of.

    CS 101

  • blondie

    I won't belong to any organization that would have me as a member. Groucho Marx

  • mrsjones5

    Oh my family and I were very much the spectators especially when we were in a mostly black congregation (which always puzzled me since we're all black - maybe not black enough?). Maybe it was because my father rarely came to the hall?

  • mama1119

    No, I don't think I was. I wanted to be different from all of them. I got along better with "wordly" people, and liked it that way. I just saw how stuck they were, and didn't want to be there. My Mom wanted us to be when we were younger, but then she stopped promoting it as we got older.

  • daystar

    I suppose I was. I was friends with the two most prominent, elder, elders' sons. I was buddies with the crazy, really hot, fringe girl in the cong, who was dating the most prominent of the elders' sons. I got invited to all the teen events. But my family was not ever invited to the ski trips or anything like that.

    As a fader, my biggest concern is for the wife. We will soon be "out" crowd.

    On the way out are you sure you arent me?? This is my concern too... currently we're in the elder's and family clique and the in crowd w. the publishers. Though I suspect the elders can see my "bad" attitiude already and some are suspect of me. Its really a matter of time before one of them goes to the CO like a f**king little punk to tattle on me, IDIOTS!

  • anewme

    Like Minny said, if you were an elder you were automatically in a respected/feared circle. But not all are in "the beautiful people clique"

    My husband was an elder, but we were a poor handicap couple and the cumbersome electric wheelchair came with us wherever we went.

    We had few close friends but many acquaintances. I felt very isolated.

  • minimus

    My mom noticed the difference when I resigned as an elder. I still went to meetings for a short while but when I stopped going altogether, she was treated very differently. So differently, they deleted her as a Pioneer for going to my daughter's wedding. This after decades and decades of full time pioneer service.

  • done4good

    Nope. Not in any cong I attended. Very thankful for that now.


  • delilah

    I wanted no part of the "in crowd"...they were manipulative, back-stabbing wenches...always trying to out-do one another. I had more important things to tend to, like raising my daughter. Besides, the only time they ever included me, was if they wanted me to do something for them, like babysit their brats, or give them hairdo's at a fraction of the price as a salon.

    I had some good, trusty friends, like Mary, who were there, through thick and thin. That's all I needed.

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