Mormons=JWs Read these quotes from Mormons to see the same mind control

by jwfacts 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ukescott

    Isn't it interesting? If you want to find on your own more about the parallel btween JW and Mormons, visit the following websites.

    This website is like It has very acting dissussion board which has more than 100,000 daily hits as well as so many valuable links and archives.

    If you want to know the recovering process many exmos go through:

    If you want to get a snap shot of what Mormon Church teaches:

  • Qcmbr

    I'd like to concur with all the smart honest people here, don't whatever you do go to or any official sites its always best to find out what someone believes from a site for ex's. As an additional warning you are much better served finding out how ridiculous LDS beliefs are from people who are writing to destroy their faith than visiting such sites as or being so naive as to actually read any of their holy books. Hurray for common sense and balance.

  • Qcmbr

    No - don't get me wrong - I wasn't saying ONLY go to the pro-sites either. Just do both. Any salesman would be stupid to sit and discuss all the controversial bits in the shop window but also competitors would be stupid to sit and praise what they detest. What is different is that as a Mormon I can look and I can read and can make my mind up. Like I said before (yonks ago) there will always be individuals who have a bad, bad experience leaving the LDS faith (or any faith if you look long enough - I baptised plenty of disgruntled ex-baptists, Catholics, athiests, BA's) but when we throw around phrases such as mind control we have to be very careful. There are levels of mind control and I would suggest that the LDS would feature fairly low on the scale since thay don't do shunning (as a policy), they encourage independent education, they encourage financial self-reliance and sing far too poorly to count repetitive hymns in the mind control toolbag:)

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