Mormons=JWs Read these quotes from Mormons to see the same mind control

by jwfacts 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jwfacts

    Some interesting comments. I had an older lady preaching at my door who had studied with Mormons, JWs and SDAs, and became a Seventh-day Adventist. It really is luck of the draw as to where people end up if that kind of organization interests them, certainly nothing to do with Holy Spirit or Angels.

    I would like to see that Seattle times magazine about the DNA.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    Excellent work as usual JW Facts. Here is the Seattle Times article on Mormons and DNA


  • Backed away
    Backed away

    Great post jwfacts,

    It's actually what I heard from a Mormon who had been away from her church for awhile that caused me to reconsider my own religion. I was at a bar with friends and met a young woman who seemed down as if her mind was in another place. I started talking to her for company and soon she started spilling out her heart about her family disowning her for her contrary lifestyle and choices she made. I tried to be the listening ear and offer whatever help I could until she dropped a bombshell of a comment I had never heard anyone who wasn't a witness say and that was, " it's just so hard to be on my own, I know the Mormons have the true religion" STOP, what was that?

    Hearing someone say what only the Kingdom Drones would ever say caused my world to tumble. how could someone say that, surely they can't mean it. it was then I realized I had better do my own background checks into my faith.

    Reading these comments brought back that day like I was there again, it gives me shivers to think ex mormons deal with the same crap we do.

  • Jourles

    Are Mormons even [slightly] discouraged from attending any college other than BYU? I know that mormonism is taught as part of the curriculum at BYU, but I always wondered if they pushed BYU first, and then other colleges as a last resort - such as if moving to Utah would pose a financial burden.

  • jwfacts

    Thanks JT,

    it's just so hard to be on my own, I know the Mormons have the true religion" STOP, what was that?

    Hearing someone say what only the Kingdom Drones would ever say caused my world to tumble. how could someone say that, surely they can't mean it. it was then I realized I had better do my own background checks into my faith.

    Backed Away, that is a great story. It is a credit to you that you saw the similiarities and did not dismiss them.

    Jourles, I do not know too much about their thoughts on education, but you would imagine the leaders must have a similar fear of secular education that the GB do. It is pretty difficult for a Mormon to be educated an not see some discrepancies in Smith's USA centric concepts of history and truth.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    Are Mormons even [slightly] discouraged from attending any college other than BYU? I know that mormonism is taught as part of the curriculum at BYU, but I always wondered if they pushed BYU first, and then other colleges as a last resort - such as if moving to Utah would pose a financial burden.

    I've many Mormon friends and have attended their church many times. First of all, higher education is a big deal with them.... doesn't matter where you go, just try and get one. Secondly, yes BYU is predominately Mormon and yes if you're Mormon you have to take religion classes before you graduate, but that can be Old Testament, New Testament, whatever. If you're not Mormon, you are not required to take a religion class. Additionally, only some Mormons want to go to BYU, most others have their own plans like any other 17-18 year old..... they go where they want to go. They not directed to BYU. It's very difficult to get into BYU, very competitive. One of my friends who went to BYU, return to California after only a year. He liked Utah and the experience (especially the skiing) but wanted to attend UCLA. It was no big deal.

  • SusanHere

    Joules asked: Are Mormons even [slightly] discouraged from attending any college other than BYU? I know that mormonism is taught as part of the curriculum at BYU, but I always wondered if they pushed BYU first, and then other colleges as a last resort - such as if moving to Utah would pose a financial burden. Actually, no, they are not even slightly discouraged from attending anywhere else. It's purely a personal choice. My husband got his MBA from a private university owned and operated by another religion. It required passing their own religion courses, of course, which he did. He chose that particular university because at that time it had the highest rated MBA program west of the Mississippi. It was a great choice. All six of our children are either in college now or have already graduated. So far none have attended BYU. If they should decide they want to, that's fine. If they don't, that's fine, too. Does that help? Susan

  • liquidsky

    I am married to an 'in-active' mormon. His entire family are Mormon. In my opinion, they are very much like the JW's, not so much in doctrine, but how they view others outside the church. On the 'outside' they seem like just another christian religion but after 11 years of getting to know my mormon family I see the same things I saw as JW. Intolerance of other religions. arrogance, control every aspect of your life, they are very secretive, ignorant and cultish. (sorry if I offend anyone, but this is just what I see with my family.) I am treated as an outcast because I will not convert.

  • smellsgood

    Well done JWfacts! It's so clear to see when its side by side.

    Mormonism to me is so shockingly absurd you wonder how anyone was ever taken in by it. The Watchtower is ever so much more subtle, save the blaring failed prophecies that, um, didn't happen. But, its like, ok, America had....Jews...2000 years ago??? It's embarassing. Joseph Smith was either absolutely coked out crazy, or he was visited by an "angel" who was out for laughs. Who could have thought that it would have 12 mil. members???!!!

    And look up the facts about the "Book of Abraham" it is reealllly quite funny.

    It is a cult. My area is positively saturated with Mormons, the Mormon church that is RIGHT next to the school literally has three services on Sunday and they are absolutley packed.

    I remember the Mormons in my grade having to get up every morning so early to be at the church at 5:AM before school! I always wondered about that before I knew it was a cult.

    Also, the school is pretty much run by them, a high degree of nepotism for underqualified employees happening.

    Mormonism is flat out stupid. And I have the facts to back that up :)

  • Qcmbr

    Should anyone wish to be baptised alongside Kid-A we are having a two for one special this week.

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