My Haunted Office

by Warlock 65 Replies latest jw experiences

  • juni

    I had Smurfs chase each other on my bed one night. Next morning I saw a lot of blue footprints.


  • reneeisorym
    One day, I started to notice that after going to the bathroom, and leaving the seat up, I would go back in and the seat was now down.

    That reminds me of the experiences I had. One of the details was that books I left open would get closed. I would leave a book in the bathroom opened to a page and it would be closed as soon as I went back. The same for a book on the coffee table.


  • love2Bworldly

    There is one thing I forgot to mention in the original account.

    The office used to crack, all day, all four seasons. The way a building cracks when it's settling, but this was ALL DAY.

    When the lady of the house died, it stopped.


    Funny you should mention about the cracking ceiling, my aunt's house used to do that 24 hours a day non-stop no matter what the season or whatever and it used to creep me out. I had a couple situations happen at her house also when I spent the night--once a lamp fell over on me when I was sleeping--the lamp was at least 2 feet away from the bed--and I was basically fighting with the lamp and had a hard time waking up; the other time I slept in another room and woke up feeling like something was trying to smother me with the sheet. Also--my aunt suffered from terrible nightmares in that house, she would wake up screaming every night--her family was too embarrassed to talk about it but it made me wonder if their house had spirits or something in it.

    Also--same aunt owned a very old victorian house that was built in 1850 by my relatives. I heard something/someone whisper my name when I was a kid from an empty dark bedroom, and the memory is as clear as day; I still get chills thinking about it. I've had other people say they felt an evil presence in that house, and one person said she definitely felt a couple cold spots in the house, and we had a few other things happen over the years. As long as the house was full of people, I didn't mind spending the night there but mostly the house is very creepy.

  • hamsterbait

    Sounds like the classic description of ball lightning. This has now been c\reated in the laboratory, but lasts only 8 seconds or so.

    But I don't see how it can happen repeatedly at the same location.

    Howevewr, in parts of Mexico, dancing lights are regularly seen; speculation is it is some product of the local geology.


  • Warlock
    Sounds like the classic description of ball lightning.

    I've seen ball lightning. This was not ball lightning. Not even close.


  • Schism

    I'm one of those people who wishes there was no such thing as the supernatural, and I always try to think of natural excusses for why they happen, but a few things have happened to me that I just cannot explain. All of them happened in either broad daylight, or at night with a group of people all wide awake. No sleep paralysis involved.

    One of these things is that sometimes I heard my husband say something outloud, exept he's not actually saying anything... just thinking it. Like, I will reply to him and it will startle him because I thought he was talking and he says he was purposely thinking it because it was too irrelevent. We later proved this crazy crap with a few experiments. He would think it, and I would tell him what he was thinking. Yeah, I didn't like it at first because I thought the demons were making me think it, but now I just write it off as some mirror image of thoughts and no evil spirits are included.

    Another time I wanted to disprove a Ouiji board because my friends thought it would work. To prove that it DIDN'T work, we went to the mall and picked one up. Yeah, it worked even when no one touched it. I thought it was weird.

    Other things were sounds of other family members who obviously weren't home, or were home and heard themselves somewhere else in the house. New house, built it from scratch.

    Naked people in the yard who disappeared. LOL

    Crazy crap doesn't always have a logical explaination.

    I will be the first to admit that many ghost enthusiats want to believe so badly that they will either make something up, or give the most stupid natural occurance a "ghostly" reason. It makes anyone else who is otherwise skeptical but who have had encounters sound like crazy folks. I, for one, would rather be left alone for the rest of my life without ever having to see/hear anything that isn't flesh and blood.

    Oh, and by the way.....spirit beings do not prove the existance of God, the Devil, Angels, or anything else. They're just there, sharing the same space as us, except we can't see them. I'm sure one day we will find a logical reason as to where they come from, so that we no longer have to look for logical reasons as to why things move and voices call in our houses, lol. But it is totally possible to be an atheist and to still believe in spooks

    I'd love to read more stories!! Post more if you can! Even if some of us may not believe them all, it's still fun to read them!

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