My Haunted Office

by Warlock 65 Replies latest jw experiences

  • wednesday

    There is something here at my home. It is more or less friendly, I guess. About 2 months ago I was sitting here at the computer desk (a common thing for me to do) and had all sorts of things layed out on the desk. I had books open to spots held open by pencils; I had been searching for something on the net, I had a cup of coffee on the right side of me and a diet coke on the left. I was trying to read something and my cats were also near, they like to jump on the desk top. anyway, it was a mess, and it was NOT bothering me. But my friendly spirit must have gotten frustrated b/c about the 3rd time the page shut on the book I was tryingot read, --I suddenly saw the page be taken and briskly jerked back so I could see it. Seems my friend has less patience than i do, or just can't stand a mess.

    Many other things have occured, but I thought that one was somewhat humorous

  • Stephanus

    The wind calling your name.

    Since I started on the current meds, I now dream vividly pretty well every time I drowse, if only for a moment or two. There's been times I've nodded off in front of the comp screen for just seconds, only to dream something like someone calling me or a noise in the house or a knock at the door, then I'll snap awake, check everything, ask if anyone heard anything and then I'll be sure I dreamed it.

  • jinjam

    SIX OF NINE: "feh, don't worry about it. In all the history of supernatural stories, not one time has anyone ever recorded anything supernatural on any kind of visual recording media. So see, you couldn't even if you wanted to (although, it's worth a million bucks if you do)." If i was you i would not be too quick to comment have a look on this site, some of the videos are questionable, but others are just scary! jinjam

  • jinjam


    "feh, don't worry about it. In all the history of supernatural stories, not one time has anyone ever recorded anything supernatural on any kind of visual recording media. So see, you couldn't even if you wanted to (although, it's worth a million bucks if you do)."

    If i was you i would not be too quick to comment have a look on this site, some of the videos are questionable, but others are just scary!


  • bluesapphire

    Okay I'm a skeptic nowadays but this thread brought back some unexplained memories... When I first left my huaband with my 3 little girls we moved into an apartment that the girls kept saying was haunted. I thought they were just going through something because of the divorce. Until one night at 2 AM we were all sound asleep on my bed and the four of us suddenly were startled awake. Then a cold breese passed our faces and the music box downstairs began to play. I thought it was freaky but the girls were really scared and saying something or someone was there and talked to them. So the next night I went to stay at a friends house with the girls and that night I swear this really happened. I was asleep and then I felt tugging on my feet and then the blanket and as I tried and tried to keep myself covered it tugged harder and harder to get the blankets off of me. I turned on the light and no one else was in the room and the door was closed.

  • misanthropic

    Your experiences remind me of a book I read called "Graves End- A true Ghost Story". I've read it a couple of times over and if I believe it or not I haven't decided- Mainly because I've had several strange experiences of thinking I heard my name whispered in my ear or being called out, and several times when I was taking a shower feeling alot of air being blown into my ear, being touched down my back, and other things like this. Once when I was laying down on my bed I felt my back being touched, almost like someone was feathering it with their fingers. When I'd sit up it would stop, I'd lay back down and it would happen again. But I was also very high on different things during these times and it never happened when I was sober. Plus who knows someone could have been with me and I was just really out of it ;)

  • bluesapphire

    Misa, freaky! I mean the part of your not knowing whether or not someone was with you.

    I think it would be too hard to figure out if you were hallucinating since you were high.

  • Warlock

    There is one thing I forgot to mention in the original account.

    The office used to crack, all day, all four seasons. The way a building cracks when it's settling, but this was ALL DAY.

    When the lady of the house died, it stopped.


  • misanthropic

    ::The office used to crack, all day, all four seasons

    When I first read this I somehow missed the word "to" and thought to myself, "Well that explains a lot."

  • Warlock


    That made me lol.


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