Letter of Disassociation

by Vinny 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigmouth

    Wonderful letter vinny! and well researched. You are a clear minded and respectful person. The org. thinks that only evil, ranting apostates would ever leave their clean organization. It must be a shock to find good people getting out.
    I am so sorry about your wife and your sons misery. What is happening with him and you now?

    BTW, The God of Pentax will always welcome a Nikon owner.

    Best wishes,

  • outoftheorg

    Quite the letter Vinny. Even though it is a long read, it is so interesting that I read it all.

    I would like to point out something about the wbts and the NGO relation to the United Nations.

    To be accepted as a member the wbts representative is required to sign a document of requirements.

    Among those requirements is that The wbts must have access to a large number of followers and use this to recommend and support the efforts and actions of the UN to those who read or follow the wbts publications and teachings.

    In other words they are to support and urge others to support what the wbts has for years called the

    Whore of Babylon.

    This hypocrisy about says it all about the wbts and its leaders.


  • Vinny

    " I am so sorry about your wife and your sons misery. What is happening with him and you now?"

  • Vinny

    Yes, I have left the organization, but not God. My faith in God and relationship with Him is far more intimate and stronger now than when I was a Witness. Also, the more time I spend out, the more I begin to just how much control these men exercise in the lives of the average JW. My wife and I are both actually embarrassed about how we just went along with everything for so long since it is not a part our nature to do so. We are both also grateful that neither of us brought the other one INTO the org, but both came in on our own. Otherwise there would be some major finger pointing going on... heh

    I am the bad apostate around here in the minds of all the JW's. There are many on this little island. I see them often. Occasionally one will say hello and even talk, which I get a little laugh out of. One was an elder's wife (guess she feels his ability to speak with DA'd ones applies to the wives as well). Most though just go into shun mode. I just remember that these folks are victims themselves, much like most of us here at one time were. Otherwise bitterness would take over. And while "blood" was the driving issue that got the ball rolling for me, my time away from the org, along with investigating the organization critically has only added literally hundreds of other issues to the pile. I find that continuing to inform myself only helps with the deprogramming altogether. It's therapy 101 for me.

    **** Because this religion is so controlling and the JW schedule so redundant, this is probably a very familiar sounding story to most JW families. Go to all the meetings, weekend service (riding around in car), kingdom hall cleaning, parts-demos on the service meeting (usually dreaded), commenting (stick to the paragraph), 5 minute talks (also dreaded especially by sisters), shunning, turning in the bad, flattering the CO (elders and future wannabe elders compete for prizes), holidays are bad, worldly people are bad and soon to be destroyed, work for a cleaning business, Bethel is great, limit recreation, do more bible reading, study more, get out in service (riding around in car) even more, volunteer more, donate more etc etc etc etc....

    Yep, it's a similar story throughout JW land.

    But now, I believe it goes beyond just the JW's too. I recently filmed two television shows on my photography business back in Oct. The host of the show along with his his son (his assistant) are devout Mormons. The Father is a newly appointed Bishop (like a D.O. in JW-land... so look out). Well, they sound just like the JW's. After several e-mail exchanges where I asked him why I would want to exchange one high-control group for another and that doing so would be likened to put my finger into an electric socket twice. He then sent me a very long reply including this:

    "We do, unequivocally and unapologetically, claim to be the "only true and living church on the face of the whole earth." ..To illustrate, I suppose I would simply point out that the witnesses believe many of the same true doctrines that Latter-day Saints do. Christianity is a disposition, not a social club, and as such, is the product of conversion, not membership. However, if two groups proclaim opposing doctrines regarding our souls to be true (and many do), it is then up to each individual to seek out which is true, for they cannot both be. Either Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, or he wasn't. Obviously they can't both be true. If he was, then his words are awfully important. Either Gordon B. Hinckley is a prophet today, or he isn't."


    "I also truly believe that Christ's gospel has been restored to the earth today along with the ministering of Angels, the priesthood authority of God and the calling of modern day prophets to guide his children on the earth. Latter-day Saints are not asked to blindly accept anything that is spoken over the pulpit in our meetings. Rather, we are all expected to learn of their truth for ourselves by studying and ultimately praying for light and knowledge. And they do come.".....that said, the invitation is still simply "come and see." I would encourage you to go to a church meeting and see what it's like for yourself. I'd also encourage you to meet with the missionaries and discuss with them without the limitations of e-mail. Would you be willing to do either of these things? Let me know, and I can arrange for the missionaries to contact you.

    **** Great Scott Martha! Sounds a little too familiar... I consider myself spiritual, but no longer religious! My reply will be a little more direct.

    Anyway, life outside the JW world is definitely better than when I was inside. All is moving forward and improving almost daily. Thanks again for your taking the time to leave your thoughts. It is always appreciated!

  • bernadette

    Hi Vinny

    was reading your comment on richierich's memorial thread and realized i hadn't welcomed you - so welcome to to JWD.

    People will think Vinny will be back soon, he went to the memorial. He is coming to his senses. We are in the only truth and he is figuring that out once again.

    Its true - that is exactly what they will be thinking.

    I am being love bombed at the moment - one sis has made it her personal mission to ensure that I get to the memorial. And yet these same people will shun me with as much hatred when they learn I have different views re Jesus Christ.


  • avidbiblereader

    Welcome Vinny, I read the whole letter and certain parts twice, unrefutable evidence and excellent points, the way it flowed and the logic, great to have you a part of the forum and family, sorry about your wife and I too feel the same way about God, love Him and I no longer either feel the witnesses have it together, I actually think they are falling apart from within even though many will stay the course in view of all obvious points and many others that you and thousands have voiced. What a double standard, examine your religion but not mine and even when John says we should in 1 John 4:1,2. Funny when you see the whole picture you sit back and say to yourself, Just how blind was I? Thanks for the letter and look forward to your input to help others here on the forum.


  • Vinny

    Thanks for the "welcome" comments.

    Actually my wife stopped all meetings after last year's memorial. She he very definitely OUT.

    My own son is also out. My step daughter is half way out.

    My stepson married into a radical JW family. His mother in law thinks she is of the annointed. He is shunning both me and his own mother who is not DF'd or Da'd.

    The JW's cannot believe he could do that to her. Yet the very same treatment towards me is perfectly fine.

    What's funny is that his own wife (daughter of Ms. 144,000 special) is on reproof for stealing almost $3000 from her employer. They get drunk every weekend. Hang out with a difellowshipped kid and his girlfriend. Yet WE are shunned by them.

    It's so sad it really is funny!

    Thanks again for your comments.

    All the best,


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