Within a blink of an eye....

by delilah 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • delilah

    (((((((((((((((((((((Skyking, and Gretchen))))))))))))))))))).............I'm so sorry....words cannot express how sad I am for your losses. Dex, you're absolutely right...the people who need to heed this warning, will not even see it.

    Choosing life....I'm very glad you were not hurt badly by this idiot. I cannot believe the cops let this guy drive off!!! Jeezus!!! Are they that daft???!!!!

    Juni, I do the same thing, I'll report anyone who is driving erradically. In Canada, they're talking about testing drugged up drivers now....good idea, but good luck. Too time consuming, trying to figure out what they're high on.....and too costly. If they can do it, great...I'm all for it.

    I am always keeping close to the side of the road, just in case I need to get off in a hurry. You just don't know what's going on in the car coming at you, or behind you. It's very scary to drive these days.

  • Woofer

    These stories are so sad.

    When my husband goes out with his friends I always tell him if he has too much to drink to call me and I will be on my way to pick him up with no argument then, or ever. He has called me once to pick him up. I will gladly get up at 2:30 a.m. and go get him instead of getting a call telling me he died or worse, killed someone else.

  • delilah

    Woofer said," I will gladly get up at 2:30 a.m. and go get him instead of getting a call telling me he died or worse, killed someone else.

    Yup....me too. I'm the same way with my daughter...if she needs a ride after a night out with her friends, she'll call, instead of driving, or getting into a car with a friend who's been drinking. Why chance it?

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