Highly Recommend Chef Marc's High Heat Turkey Recipe

by JamesThomas 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • exjdub


    Thanks for the recommendation. I think I might give it a try, but I was curious about the brining process. I have brined chicken before, using a recipe from Steve Raichlin, and it was amazing. What do you use for a brine? If you have a link to a good brining process, or could post your brining recipe, I would appreciate it very much.

    One more thing...we just bought a convection oven this week. I have never cooked with a convection oven, but I know that convection ovens cook faster. Will Chef Marc's method still work OK? Thanks.


  • JamesThomas


    If you have a link to a good brining process, or could post your brining recipe.

    It's basically 1 cup salt to 1 gallon of water. Throw in a chopped up onion, a little garlic and your favorite herbs too if you like. I put the thawed turkey in a couple kitchen sized trash bags for brining and then place it in a camp cooler with some ice for overnight. With the turkey in the bags you can push the air out and twist-tie it closed, this surrounds the turkey with liquid using much less. Next day when you remove the turkey from the brine, rinse it and dry it very, very well, inside and out. Then you rub oil and herbs all over it (NO SALT), again inside and out.

    One more thing...we just bought a convection oven this week. I have never cooked with a convection oven, but I know that convection ovens cook faster. Will Chef Marc's method still work OK?

    Check the link to Chef Marc's site. You will find under "Other Features" -- "time and weight charts" where he gives you instructions for a conventional and convection ovens.

    I suggest everyone read and follow the instructions carefully.

    Please add your results to the thread.


  • Elsewhere

    Have you ever watched people pick out a turkey at the grocery store......they pick every single turkey up, inspecting it.....and it is in a wrapper you cant see through and frozen solid!

    What are they looking for?

    They are looking at the labels to find a bird of the right weight (and price) for their needs... don't want too much turkey left over or too little to feed the number of people you are going to have over.

  • Scully
    I put the thawed turkey in a couple kitchen sized trash bags for brining and then place it in a camp cooler with some ice for overnight.

    Please make sure that your plastic bags are "food grade". Some plastic garbage bags are not suitable for being in contact with food that has yet to be consumed, due to the addition of odor neutralizing chemicals during the manufacturing process. These and other chemicals can leach into your food and could be harmful to consume, especially for small children, pregnant women, the elderly and people with impaired immunity.

  • JamesThomas

    Thanks, Scully, I was not aware of that. Glad you pointed that out. I've been using cheap white no frills ones which came on a roll of a zillion.

  • Scully

    Hi JamesThomas:

    Reynolds makes turkey sized "Oven Roasting Bags" that would be suitable for brining. I also recently saw an ad for Ziploc which has some new extra large storage bags that would work as well.

    Yes, it's a bit of extra money, but well worth it for the peace of mind.

  • hopelesslystained

    Hi James, I tried this very recipe a couple of years ago. I thought it sounded great and yummy.
    But, I must have done something wrong, even after watching the videos and emailing back and forth with
    Chef Marc.
    My new self-cleaning oven came out a mess! and the turkey was dry.
    I am anxious to hear anyone elses results. Maybe I will be brave and try it again...

  • LittleToe

    Anyone ever tried "Fowl Stuffing"?

    You stuff a quail inside a pigeon, inside a chicken, inside a duck, inside a goose, inside a turkey, or somesuch combination

    I haven't the faintest idea how long you would need to cook it, but it sounds incredibly decadent!

  • Nellie

    Don't forget to put some fruit in your brine - apples, oranges, lemons all work well. It's more than just salt .

  • Finally-Free
    Have you ever watched people pick out a turkey at the grocery store......they pick every single turkey up, inspecting it.....and it is in a wrapper you cant see through and frozen solid!

    I bought a Butterball turkey recently, and couldn't see through the wrapper. Once unwrapped, I saw a bruise the size of my fist on one side of the bird. It was the most expensive turkey I ever bought, and also the absolute shittiest, both in appearance and taste. No more frozen birds for me.


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