The Duality -- The Father and The Son

by UnDisfellowshipped 218 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • fjtoth

    YES THATS ME FRANK!!!!! My two cents

    Hi Grace,

    Thanks for the lovely Christmas card. I hope we're still friends.

    I dilly-dallied on the Trinity for years, as you know, and finally made up my mind that I had to go one way or the other. Something that pushed me away from believing at all in the Trinity is the spirit of so many churches I attended where I told the pastor and others of my doubts and questions. Just because I shared with them that I wasn't sure, many treated me the way JWs do, as if in their eyes I'm a disfellowshiped person. In fact, I took a tour of a Baptist seminary, and they walked me to the door as if I had contaminated the building by my presence. And all I told them was that I just haven't made up my mind on the Trinity yet. The tour guide and his friends brought it up, and I just answered the question truthfully. All of a sudden they treated me like I was a plague or something.

    Well, I'm content that my prayers are heard and answered despite being ostracized by JWs and a lot of Trinitarians. I have no hard feelings toward persons who believe in the Trinity, but if they bring up the topic and want to discuss it, I feel better prepared these days to defend my convictions with the Bible alone.

    Anyway, I hope you're doing well. I moved some months after you did. I'm living in Mississauga these days, but I still get my mail if it's addressed to Erin.

    All the best,


  • mouthy

    I hope we're still friends. Of course we are still friends.!!!! Glad we didnt marry though cos we would have had an argument about the Trinity I only know I am made in Gods image ...I am Body,( even though it isnt a very attractive one at this point. ) I am Spirit ( some time a little too high & I have a SOUL!!!!I am Three in one..... > A Trinity ....The only thing is WE CANNOT PERCEIVE WHAT GOD LOOKS LIKE!!! there is testimony that folks... saw the BODY>Christ) WE KNOW there is the Comforter >HOLY SPIRIT....& I BELIVE > > FATHER ,,,, NO one has seen GOD in HIS entirity ( I BELIVE) They only saw the EMPTIED !!!!!!! Body of Christ....!!!!

    I hope we will always be friends. Cos I love ya Sweetie !!!!

  • fjtoth

    Hi Grace,

    I got your "inbox" message. Will do.

    I only know I am made in Gods image ...I am Body,( even though it isnt a very attractive one at this point. ) I am Spirit ( some time a little too high & I have a SOUL!!!!I am Three in one..... > A Trinity

    Just a thought about that quote from your last entry: Trinitarians say God is three persons in one being or entity. Your illustration tells us about only one person, not three. That one person is Grace. Grace's body is not a separate person, neither is Grace's spirit, nor Grace's soul. See my point? The Trinity is three persons, but you are only one person.

    God has a spirit body, and Jesus has a body. (Numbers 12:6-8) If the holy spirit also has a body, that makes three persons each with a body. God the Father has a soul. (Matthew 12:18) The Son of God has a soul. (John 12:27) If the holy spirit also has a soul, that would make three persons each with a soul. According to what you said above, that would make nine persons in the Trinity! If we carry the illustration further by adding three spirits, we end up with twelve persons in the Trinity! That's why I pointed out several posts back that it is impossible to use any illustration to explain what the Trinity is like.

    Anyway, I know we won't agree on this, but I thought I'd throw it out there just in case somebody's interested.


  • mouthy

    HA! HA! Yep I am 3 in one.... Just like them 3-in 1 No one will EVER be able to understand the Trinity...Unless the HOLY SPIRIT teaches them ..... But isnt it wonderful that we can agree to disagree & still love each other ( well I love you ....dont know if you do me LOL

  • fjtoth

    Luv ya?

    Why, I woulda married ya years ago if ya woulda had me!

    Now it's too late, since we're both too broke to get married!!!

  • mouthy

    since we're both too broke to get married!!!

    Hey! speak for yourself I just got a gift of $650.00 yesterday.... You should have believed in the Trinity
    Did you know Penton is moving to Burlington????

  • yesidid

    Love your cartoons Frank, but it's your watertight arguments against the trinity doctrine that

    have me cheering you from the sidelines.


  • fjtoth
    Hey! speak for yourself I just got a gift of $650.00 yesterday.... You should have believed in the Trinity
    Did you know Penton is moving to Burlington????

    Hey! That $650 will last me only a week. What are you gonna live on?

    Yes, I heard that Penton has already moved in, but I don't have his address. Let me know if you find out before I do. Burlington is just a 10-minute drive from here.

  • fjtoth
    . . . cheering you from the sidelines.


    Thanks. It'll be interesting to see how this thread ends, if it ever does!


  • fjtoth


    You wrote:

    . . . all of the same honor, glory, praise, thanks, and worship given to The Father must also be given to The Son, as God The Father Himself commands us (See John 5:22-23, . . .

    It is stretching things to say "all of the same honor."

    According to Ephesians 5:22, wives are commanded to be in subjection to their husbands "as to the Lord." The language construction is similar to John 5:23. Your argument would give husbands the right to demand subjection from their wives to the extent wives are required to render subjection to "the Lord."

    In the same way, Ephesians 6:5 commands slaves to obey their masters "as to Christ." The way you explain John 5:23, slaves would be obligated to obey human masters to the same degree that they are expected to be obedient to Christ.

    So John 5:23 does not prove that the Son is equal to the Father any more than Ephesians proves that husbands are equal to "the Lord" or that earthly masters are equal to "Christ."


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