Is Jehovah evil? Overheard at the public talk.

by Zico 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Flash

    Jehovah is not evil as we commonly use the word.

    The second defination for the word 'evil' in Webster's Unabridged Dictionary is "harmful; injurious: ie evil laws."

    Isaiah 45:7 "...I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things...."

    1 Samuel 2:6-7 "....Jehovah is a Killer and a Preserver of life, A Bringer down to She´ol, and He brings up. 7 Jehovah is an Impoverisher and an Enricher, An Abaser, also an Exalter...."

    Anyone got an explanation for these scriptures?

    A child would consider a spanking evil. Yet, it is NOT wicked or truely evil to punish or reward an individual or a group of persons for bad or good behavior. Also, as Almighty God, Jehovah has the legitimate authority to set up life and run it His way though not lawlessly...that would be evil / wicked.

  • candidlynuts
    all the talks are so scripted now so it must be coming from headquarters. if not that bro is in trouble for not stickin to the script!
    No, the talks are "outlined" not "scripted." There is quite a bit of leeway allowed in the delivery. What you heard was fairly typical: a wing nut elder going off on a tangent based on his total misunderstanding of the "research" he did in one of the Society's publication. Happens all the time.

    my bad then! sorry..i have seen assembly talk copies back when i was in and they were scripts so i assumed sunday talks were the same. thats what i get for assuming!

  • Hellrider

    It`s good to hear that they are sticking to the old teaching that Jehovah is gonna kill all the non-jws. I have met to many jw-apologists lately singing that innocent "oh we don`t know who will survive Armageddon, that`s up to Jehovah"-tune.

  • blondie

    Did God create evil? (according to the WTS)

    it-1 p. 772 Evil ***

    Rightly, Jehovah brought evil or calamity upon Adam for his disobedience. Hence, in the Scriptures, Jehovah is referred to as the Creator of evil or calamity. (Isa 45:7; compare KJ.)

    w51 4/15 p. 255 Questions From Readers ***

    Why does Isaiah 45:7 state that Jehovah God creates evil, when we know him to be good and righteous in all his ways?—C. S., Ontario, Canada.

    Isaiah 45:7 states: "I form the light, and create darkness; I make peace, and create evil; I am Jehovah, that doeth all these things." (AS) Jehovah God sows light for righteously disposed ones, and through his Word the Bible enlightens their minds, but he brings mental darkness upon those who willfully continue in a wrong course. (Ps. 82:5-7; 97:11; 2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 13) Peace of mind, even now, is the lot of those devoted to God and his service, and in the new world under the reign of his Prince of Peace all then living will rejoice in that blessed state forever. (Ps. 72:1, 4, 7, 8; Isa. 9:6, 7) As for the statement that God creates evil, it does not mean anything or any practice that is morally wrong. "Evil" as here used does not mean moral evil, of which God could never be guilty, but it refers to a calamity or disaster or destruction, such as he brings upon his unrepentant foes, and that particularly at the battle of Armageddon.From rebellious Adam’s time onward punishment has come from God upon the willfully wicked, and this has been wholly just on God’s part, but it has been as an evil to the ones meriting it. This matter is discussed at great length in the two-part article entitled "Peace and Evil", appearing in the May 1 and 15, 1930, issues of TheWatchtower.

    *** w52 11/1 pp. 665-668 Jehovah Makes Peace, Creates Evil ***

    Jehovah, however, can be said to create evil, because the term "evil" can be used to designate not only "moral badness or offense; wrongdoing; wickedness", but also "anything impairing happiness or welfare or depriving of good; injury; disaster". (Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary) In view of the foregoing scriptures showing that Jehovah is just and righteous we must conclude that the evil that he creates must be that of calamity and disaster.


  • frankiespeakin

    Thanks Blondie for the quotes.

    *** w52 11/1 pp. 665-668 Jehovah Makes Peace, Creates Evil ***

    Jehovah, however, can be said to create evil, because the term "evil" can be used to designate not only "moral badness or offense; wrongdoing; wickedness", but also "anything impairing happiness or welfare or depriving of good; injury; disaster". (Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary) In view of the foregoing scriptures showing that Jehovah is just and righteous we must conclude that the evil that he creates must be that of calamity and disaster.

    The Society is always interpeting the scriptures to and deny what they really say. The Jews developed a Devil as the source of all Evil from the Persians. The early written text of the bible do not speak about a devil as the source of evil and credit jehovah foro both. SO when the early Bible writters speak of Jehovah causing evil it is without the restrictions the WT put on it.

  • Borgia

    Evil: morally reprehensible : SINFUL, WICKED b : arising from actual or imputed bad character or conduct 2 a archaic : INFERIOR b : causing discomfort or repulsion : OFFENSIVE c : DISAGREEABLE 3 a : causing harm : PERNICIOUS b : marked by misfortune : UNLUCKY - evil adverb, archaic - evil·ly /-(l)E/ adverb - evil·ness /-n&s/ noun

    Main Entry: 1bad Pronunciation: 'bad Function: adjective Inflected Form(s): worse /'w&rs/; worst /'w&rst/ Etymology: Middle English 1 a : failing to reach an acceptable standard : POOR b : UNFAVORABLE c : not fresh : SPOILED d : not sound : DILAPIDATED 2 a : morally objectionable : EVIL b : MISCHIEVOUS, DISOBEDIENT 3 : inadequate or unsuited to a purpose 4 : DISAGREEABLE, UNPLEASANT 5 a : INJURIOUS, HARMFUL b : SERIOUS, SEVERE 6 : INCORRECT, FAULTY 7 a : suffering pain or distress b : UNHEALTHY, DISEASED 8 : SORROWFUL, SORRY 9 a : INVALID, VOID b : not able to be collected 10 bad·der bad·dest slang a : GOOD, GREAT b : TOUGH, MEAN - bad·ness noun

    Evil is harmfull but has a connotation of moral degrade. Bad may be evil but not necesarilly so.

    I dare say that lecture on Gods benevolence to be very cynical.



  • Clam
    1 Samuel 16 -

    14 Now the Spirit of the LORD had departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD tormented him. 15 Saul's attendants said to him, "See, an evil spirit from God is tormenting you. 16 Let our lord command his servants here to search for someone who can play the harp. He will play when the evil spirit from God comes upon you, and you will feel better."


  • Norm

    With a God like Jehovah there is no need for the Devil. Exterminating 6 billion people is of course
    extremely evil. But in the insane world of superstitious nitwits such evil is a sign of "love".

    Nothing - no matter how far fetched and irrational is too stupid to be accepted as an "explanation"
    to the superstitious mind.


  • Terry

    We might remind ourselves of something important when discussing religion and Jehovah's Witnesses in particular.

    Religion is chiefly metaphor and emotion. In the mind of a true believer this becomes a substitute for actuality, data and reality.

    Language is like a large lump of clay. We mould it into a shape approximating some concept inside our head. But, unless we mould a utility such as a cup or bowl or vase the object is artful and conceptual only.

    Confusing LANGUAGE and METAPHOR for the actual reality itself is the magician's secret. It is banal but the very lynch pin that makes the trick work.

    Jehovah's Witnesses have a lexicon that has been tampered. It is loaded language with words that have been hijacked, co-opted and rewired to short-circuit ordinary conversation and understanding.

    You can't have a meeting of the minds when your language is not identical in meaning.

    We are talking essentially about imaginary, legendary, metaphorical and mythological characters and events when we discuss religion and the bible. DON'T FORGET THAT.

    You cannot derrive actual sensible conceptual realities from this sort of presupposition that myth is reality.

    JEHOVAH is whatever they say He is. In mainstream Christianity he is the Lord and he is 1/3 of a Trinity while simultaneously being just a unit and not a compound. In Watchtowerland He is a split personality god who was like an ancient bearded tyrant devastating those who wronged him and exhalting scoundrels that he favored. But, he stepped into the shadows of history and out popped his Son, Jesus who came back in 1914 like an invisible superhero to fix the mess on planet Earth.

    Jesus has had his feet propped up on planet Earth since 1914 letting JW's do his work for him and allowing them to get things wrong again and again while claiming they have special messeges from the King himself.

    Is this sort of mental aberration really the source of INFORMATION ABOUT GOD?

    Not unless you jump into the pond and bath with the hogs.

    There is no "there" there.

    Those of us who choose to form a concept of a vastly transcendant being (or beings) who control the destiny of the universe create a simultaneous problem. This concept will get away from us and become driven by our ID. The best and the worst of our selves will break away and project outward into the night sky and we will tremble at its majesty and awful destructive personality.

    What benefits us is good. What harms us is Evil.

    No person can be good or evil. It is the deeds they perform and the surrounding context of the behavior which creates a result we term Good or Evil.

  • Jeffro

    That old thing again? Yawn. It's trivial semantics that they occasionally pull out to titillate the drones.

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