Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-12-06 WT Study (COURAGE/LOVE)

by blondie 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • parakeet

    "'Chronic illness…diabetes, kidney failure, cancer, severe arthritis, lupus, fibromyalgia (all women). They miss meetings only when they are VERY ILL or in the HOSPITAL. All are regular.'(does that mean 1 hour/month or are the 15 minute/month publishers). Who judges that they are "very ill"? The elders, the "mature ones" in the congregation?"

    (BTW, when he's hacking a lung up in the hospital trying to hang on to his life, my sibs and I are the ones by his side, listening to his misery and taking care of everything, while the JWs send a card or balloon -- yeah, that's true Christian love.)

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro
    How many JWs would sacrifice a little time to help you move, drive out of their way to pick you up for a meeting, give you $100 to repair your car so you can get to your job?

    My local congregation has so many examples of exactly what you are saying. One elderly sister has 5 families within 2 blocks yet someone else has to come out of her way to pick this sister up for the meetings. The rest don't want to be bothered. Now, I think what the sister that picks her up and helps her out is other ways is great, but the 5 other families should be ashamed.

    Do you think many JWs are expecting they will be stoned and left for dead? Could you depend on the loyalty of people on your KH to die rather than give your name to the authorities? Would they take a whipping for you?

    Are these the same people that gossip about you and lie to others to drag your reputation through the mud

    I could never understand this. So much lip service is paid to love and how we should be willing to sacrifice our lives for one another and then these same folks fight and bicker and treat each other with no love.

    Currently we have an example of this, the WTS trying to draw persecution with a tract entitled, The End of False Religion is Near. Hoping that this will make JWs have greater zeal. I don’t think it is working, but if it is, it won’t last when the end doesn’t come in the next year.

    From the stats I've seen here, this campaign did not work in getting the numbers up. I somehow managed to avoid passing any of these out and we have multiple territories still in the box that haven't been touched. I could not believe how they wrote about religions not taking action against child molesters and then at the same time arguing (and losing some portions) in court to prevent the database from being released. Are the WTS lawyers not JWs??? The hyprocrisy of this action is not lost on me. I can not ever remember a time when I was more embarassed to be a JW.

    She often has to walk on her hands and knees when on a sandy dirt road

    So how many wheelchair people have you seen walking on their hands and knees in your area?

    This is just a guilt-shame story. After all if "she" can auxiliary pioneer 2 months a year…have at least 5 bible studies…WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE!

    "My legs often ache terribly" And what about your legs? How much time are you getting in every month? 50 hours like this woman, walking on her hands and kness on a sandy dirt word?

    Shame on you

    Does anyone actually believe these stories? Its a common joke among my JW friends about swimming croc infested water to attend meeting stories. They are so unbelievable that most folks I know just figure they are being used as hyperbole and aren't real. The truth is probably somewhere in there, just with lots extra added. Yet, how many JWs critize the Catholic Church (and rightfully so) for using guilt inducing methods. This is the SAME thing.


    Sigh, what world are these guys living in? Come on, this statement is an insult to everyone who has emotional issues. I'm sure there are some who need therapy because of FS.

    It is unbelievable to me that they can take a theme of how love can inspire courage and turn it into a guilt trip to do more for the WTS. I do think that the WTS is aware somewhat of the serious lack of love in most congregations. Yet, because this is a works based religion and the only acceptable works are pushing the mags, the discussion goes completely off course.

    Thanks for your weekly comments. The are extremely helpful in helping those who are still going to the meetings to be able to see the manipulation and thought control methods used.

  • wvpeach

    Geez it sounds like you people are forgetting something.

    jehovah's Wittness's are just human beings. They certainly are not perfect as are none of you or for that matter even me. LOL

    What are you looking for perfection? Then look to the Prince of peace our lord and savior Jesus Christ.

    Or to God the father.

    Don't expect perfection in any denomination of man it will never happen.

  • parakeet

    wvpeach: "jehovah's Wittness's are just human beings. They certainly are not perfect as are none of you or for that matter even me. LOL"

    That's the point, JWs are just human beings, from the gb down to the r&f. But THEY claim they speak for God. They hold themselves up as a higher standard the rest of the world should aspire to. What we object to is not their humanity but their self-perception as the morally superior chosen mouthpieces of God. People who make such claims had better be able to prove their special status. So far, JWs have shown themselves to be, as you say, just human beings. And if they're just like the rest of us, we certainly don't need to give their words any more consideration than anyone else's.

  • truthsetsonefree

    When I saw that story about the girl crawling out in service, I couldn't help thinking about when WT has condemned "false religion" for encouraging devotees to crawl on bloody knees to a church shrine. Hypocrites.

  • SirNose586

    "For me the FS is therapy."

    Really? Ok. Do you just shout at every person who comes to the door? Do you drag along a couch and plop yourself down inbetween doors? Maybe you can save money by going out in FS. Just dump your pills and your issues and go and push magazines.

    I took small issue with this during the fam. study and I didn't get lectured. Hooray for that.

  • wannaexit

    Around these parts there is something going on that shows what LACK of love the organization really has for the members. There is a big hype about getting ready for a disaster should one hit us. Book study elders have been instructed to gather personal information on each member in their group.

    Formost, elders want every family to find a place to stay outside the city in case of evacuation. They suggested wordly relatives or even hotels.

    Where is the love????. Other religious organization open up their church buildings in case of disaster. Why can't watchtower open up Kindgdom halls and assembly halls? They ask the rank and file to separate themselves from the world but when push comes to shove they expect the evil world to take care of their members.

    There is no love here. They can preach it all they want. Actions speak louder then words.

    Thanks blondie

    I never leave home without your review


  • Bonnie_Clyde

    Comments from Clyde: I appreciate your endurance in doing this review week after week. Sometimes we forget to say thank you. Please accept this as my personal thanks as I look forward to your comments and insight every week. Keep up the good work.

  • jschwehm
    Formost, elders want every family to find a place to stay outside the city in case of evacuation. They suggested wordly relatives or even hotels.

    Where is the love????. Other religious organization open up their church buildings in case of disaster. Why can't watchtower open up Kindgdom halls and assembly halls? They ask the rank and file to separate themselves from the world but when push comes to shove they expect the evil world to take care of their members

    This was one of the things that got me thinking. Our local community was hit by a devasting tornado one evening. The Churches in the community were opening their doors for the homeless that night who had nowhere to go after their homes had been destroyed. Announcements were made on all of the TV and radio stations in the area that cots and food were available at these Churches. Not once did they say the Kingdom Hall was available for this.

    I was an inactive JW at the time and wondered why.........

    Jeff S.

  • Juniper123

    I always pick up on the "mature ones" anvil planted numerous times in every article. Mature Ones = Judgemental Old Farts period. They encourange "young ones" to be friends with them to avoid making friends with kids their own age and risking breaking free, and they know that their numbers in the US are dwindling so they guilt/prepare children/young married to be responsible for their care. Not that we shouldn't look after each other. It just drives me batty that the governing body and by extension mature ones have no problem not giving a shit about anyone else, in the congregation in the big bad world but plant seeds in all the literature that they deserve to be taken care of after turning their backs on anyone who wasn't putting in enough hours at field service. It's an old people's religion, run by old men, and young people and the new ideas that come with them scare them. So what do you do, guilt and shame them, damnably effective.

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