disfellowshipping and anger problems

by gay pride 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • gay pride
    gay pride

    is it just me or has anyone here become a very angry person after leaving the organization?

    i mean in the sense where...you're more vulnerable to snap in a big way...like you've just developed so much anger inside you?

    for example since being df'd i think its created so much anger that i really just dont care. i get pissed and i'll beat the livin **bleep** outta someone. my roomate pissed me off and i punched a whole thru her door as she slammed it at the same time i was aiming to punch her face in. then i keyed her car, scrubbed the toilet with her toothbrush, locked her out the crib, and finally...rammed my car into hers! (i have 3 cars...two of them brand new 2006...the other one a 95...naturally i used the 95 to ram her car lol)

    then i realized...man why am i acting stupid? my anger just gets the best of me all the time...a big part of me wants to relate it back to all the anger from being df'd. o yea...this whole thing with my roomate is cuz she tried to tell my girlfriend she cant pay rent this month cuz has too many bills. ...my girlfriend just shrugs it off like she's stupid and of course i gotta be the bad guy and do something. so she called the cops like 3 times on me already cuz she's afraid i'm gonna beat her a$$ or something. but shit...she can go the club 3 times a week but she cant pay rent?! you must be sick...ne ways...just wanted to hear feedback!

  • XU

    Are you kidding me? Get to a counselor or hire a lawyer. This kind of drama is not ok. Your life is going to spin out of control, and you do not want to live with the consequences of really hurting someone. It's not your job to see that she spends her money wisely. If you put your name on a lease, you have to take responsibility for paying the rent, no matter what your roommates do. Learn a lesson and next time, room with someone more responsible. It is natural to be angry about your life and being a JW. Find a different way to deal with it. We care about you.

  • jayhawk1

    Gay pride my girl, you might need to consider a professional councelor. The way you are burning the candle at both ends, you are going to run out of wax.

  • nelly136
    scrubbed the toilet with her toothbrush

    dont forget to buy her mouthwash, less youre not going to kiss her.

    maybe theres a way you could channel your built up energy so it doesnt all come out at once, ever thought about taking up karate or kickboxing? something you can let your steam out with and learn to control it instead of exploding.

    (ok just re read...guess you wont be kissing your room mate)

  • buffalosrfree

    If you have to beat the s**t out of someone look for an elder or MS.

  • buffalosrfree

    If you have to beat the s**t out of someone look for an elder or MS.

  • Jeffro
    my roomate pissed me off and i punched a whole thru her door as she slammed it at the same time i was aiming to punch her face in. then i keyed her car, scrubbed the toilet with her toothbrush, locked her out the crib, and finally...rammed my car into hers!

    If you're doing these kind of things to someone, are you really giving them any reason to respect you. Why would someone be eager to bother paying the rent of time when they have to live with someone like this? Have you paid for the damage to her car? Have you bought her a new toothbrush? Have you apologised for your conduct?

    It is completely normal to be angry about being shunned, but if you keep taking out your anger on those close to you, you'll soon find yourself a lot lonelier still.

  • jwfacts

    Uncontrolled fits of anger often come from pent up anxiety, a natural thing to happen to disfellowshipped people. You seem out of control and need professional help to work through this. In Australia the only form of Psychology that doctors accept and is covered by Medicare is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. I definitely recommend you get help to get to the source of your feelings and learn to reprogram how you handle situations. You will be far happier in the long run.

  • bernadette

    Becoming a JW is like being put in prison on a trumped up unjust charge and then being thrown out of prison because you're not considered good enough for prison.

    Going for a jog - will do an extra hill for you

  • DannyHaszard

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