going for a colonoscopy(sp) on friday

by orbison11 35 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • orbison11

    greetings all

    yes, but i hear thursday will be the bad day, when i do the meds and have to sit 3 feet from the toilet for 24 hours,,oyy vay

    any here been thru this wonderful experience?


  • blondie

    Actually some people clean out pretty fast and aren't tied to the toilet the whole period. (like me)

    It goes pretty smoothly; they are putting you under, right? If there are no polyps, it will probably be 5 to 10 years before you have to do it again.


  • orbison11

    well they say they are putting me under,,but just alittte bit under 'under'.

    so i can say if i feel pain, but i wont remember,,,yuk again


  • gwyneth

    I had it done last year. All I can say is--Good Luck!

  • orbison11

    well, the only bad part is , being self employed, i have to work 8 days in a row to make up for time lost,,yuk again,

    heck, this aint lookin good lol


  • blondie

    Don't worry, wendy. Besides me, I know 3 other people who had one this year. No pain during or residual afterwards. I was awake during the whole think but felt nothing. Just a little recovery from the medication afterwards, that is, I couldn't drive myself home.


  • AudeSapere

    I've had this done. Great results and such a relief to know that there was no indication of disease.

    If they find anything, they can treat it early.

    The worst part is the day before the procedure. I think I did my 'prep' work later in the day and it didn't interfere with my business. Just the day of the procedure did I actually miss work.

    I will send you a pm.


  • Kudra

    Eek. At what age do females have to start having this done?

    As if annual exams for the last 10 years weren't bad enough! (Actually can be quite pleasant and informative if you have a MD or nurse practitioner that is knowledgeable and enthusiastic about women's health)

    My dad had this done and put the picture printout from the 'scope up on the mantle.


  • rwagoner

    I brought flowers and a botte of wine for the Doc. Told him that I had broken the ice, so it would be nice if there was a little foreplay first.

    Nurse thought it was funny.....Doc did not. LOL


  • oppgirl63

    I've had it done twice (my father died of colon cancer at age 52). You are right that Thursday will be the bad day. The test is not too bad. I had it done two years ago when I was 41 and they found a polyp (benign) so I had to have it done again this year. This time it was all clear and it will problably be 3 or 4 years before I have to have it done again. But with my family history, I'll never go more than 5 years without one. It's not too bad...you'll do fine.

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