What were you praying about before you left the JWs?

by MegaDude 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • serendipity

    "Heavenly Father, please show me the acceptable way to serve you."

  • restrangled

    Dear God:

    I promise you that if You grant me this, I won't do "that"...ever again.


  • lovelylil

    I was praying primarily for two things: The first is that God help get me and my family out of the WT. And the second was that he direct me to the "real" truth. He answered both prayers.

    He helped me out of the WT first and the rest of the family followed within 3 months. And he directed me through his spirit to his word the bible, which was a testament to his son Christ Jesus - the real truth. Lilly

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    What were you praying about before you left the JWs?

    Truth? No BS?

    My constant mantra, over and over, was "I want to see things as they really are."

    Careful what you ask for.

  • under_believer

    Fascinating topic. I haven't fully left physically; but I'm out mentally. Many nights I would lie awake in bed, weeping, praying what was found at Mark 9:23,24:

    "'If you can'?" said Jesus. "Everything is possible for him who believes." Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"

    Or, as the Society likes to put it, "Help me out where I need faith."

    There was no answer.

    I haven't prayed since.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    I was praying for truth, no matter what it was. I was discovering things were not adding up to truth. At least not what the Society was teaching about 607. When I realised this, I desperately wanted it to add up but it just wasn't. So earnestly I pleaded with Jehovah to help me find the truth. And if it was what I had always known it to be, then please help it to become crystal clear, and to quit questioning it. But if its not the truth, please help me to continue to find out what is.

    My research became more and more of a drive, and I really feel Jehovah opened my eyes to the facts and to "truth". It was not at all what I expected, but I was not praying for the Witnesses to be right, I was just praying for truth no matter what it was. Now here I am, happier, and with so much more compassion for humankind. I am now content with doing my best to please him, and leaving the judging up to Jesus. I am so greatful he opened my eyes. I feel like that scripture where it talks about the scales falling off the eyes.


    Lady Liberty

  • Honesty

    I prayed for truth.

    That's why I am no longer affiliated with the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

  • MegaDude
    I was always praying to Jehovah to help me to get my spiritual life together. I could never keep up with all the studying, service, and meeting attendance. I felt guilty all the time because I was just not measuring up.

    It was a punishing schedule, unrelenting. It was really something to stop my activities as a JW which amounted to quitting a second part-time job. So much more time.

    I was asking "Jehovah" if this was indeed, his organization, if shunning was right, for him to please, please show me HOW it was right... and asking him if he was as sickened by it as I was. I wanted a sign to stay.

    I did not want to have to leave. I was comfortable and enjoyed the JWs. I guess if you've always worn a strait-jacket you can get comfortable or used to anything. What I was dreading was the losing of close relationships that were precious to me. I remember thinking perhaps I ought to remain silent about what I knew and blow it off and maintain the relationships. It only lasted about three days.

    I was constantly praying to keep my mind clean and not have "gay" thoughts. i guess i just loved females too much. i was praying for him to take away my feelings for a certain female....the same female i ended up spending these last two and a half years with and going strong still

    They say the Lord works in mysterious ways!

    I remember sitting at an assembly and praying to just feel something. I felt totally unmoved by the "spiritual food" and kinda dead inside. I wasn't getting any encouragement and somehow thought it was my fault. I wasn't doing anything wrong and met all their "requirements", but I felt totally numb. Now I know why the spirit never helped me -it wasn't there.

    When my marriage was falling apart, when the friends were gone and family members shunning me, I was devastated and had days where I felt like this.

    Shortly before I left (first in my mind) I was increasingly fascinated by the "God is love" motto and prayed to live by love.

    I can't imagine a better motto to live by, Narkissos.

    I prayed for him to show me that the WTS was the truth, and if it was not, to show me that it wasn't. Some would say he answered that prayer.

    I had the same feeling, Mulan.

    I was praying to know if this was the truth or not, and to work things out with the father of my child. I am now married to him, and have not been to a meeting in 2 years. I think I finally had some answered prayers.

    That's great. However, I've heard of people who prayed for relationships to come together that didn't, and were later very glad they didn't. Sort of a thank god for unanswered prayers.

    "Heavenly Father, please show me the acceptable way to serve you."

    And now you're the semi-official greeter of new folks on JWD and the Gabbly chat monitor. (j/k)

    I was praying primarily for two things: The first is that God help get me and my family out of the WT. And the second was that he direct me to the "real" truth. He answered both prayers. He helped me out of the WT first and the rest of the family followed within 3 months. And he directed me through his spirit to his word the bible, which was a testament to his son Christ Jesus - the real truth.

    I did also. However, the people I was the very closest too did not come out.

    My constant mantra, over and over, was "I want to see things as they really are."

    So you're a red pill kinda guy, Chris.

    Fascinating topic. I haven't fully left physically; but I'm out mentally. Many nights I would lie awake in bed, weeping, praying what was found at Mark 9:23,24:
    "'If you can'?" said Jesus. "Everything is possible for him who believes." Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"
    Or, as the Society likes to put it, "Help me out where I need faith."
    There was no answer.
    I haven't prayed since.

    In what form could the answer have taken?

  • hambeak

    I can't remember the last time I prayed as I recall none of my prayers were ever answered. I do have a prayerful state of mind though and sometimes I just feel like crying because of all the hurt from the borg belief system and how my family has been totally alienated from me.

  • jwfacts

    Faith and wisdom

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