Called for Jury Duty

by frankiespeakin 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • kazar

    I for one hate jury duty! I have been summoned for jury duty every year for the past 20 years. I only served twice, however I am summoned every year. I live in Baltimore City so the crime rate is very high. Consequently, there is always a demand for jurors. One was a criminal case which was emotionally draining and the other was a civil case which was so boring. Two huge businesses fighting for money.

    When the verdict was read during the civil case the jury members decided quite arbitrarily who would receive the victory award based on their style of clothing. I was quite dismayed by our judicial system. All the other times I was summoned but didn't serve I reported to the Courthouse which was always hot in the summer with nothing but a fan for cooling. In the winter it was underheated so we kept our coats on. We have to stay the entire day in discomfort whether our names were called for jury or not. So, I consider it a major inconvenience--especially since most jurors do not take it seriously. I don't feel qualified to render a verdict for guilt. Don't want the responsibility. Call me a slackard, but that's how I am. I realize that if I were a Plaintiff or Defendant I would feel quite differently about it. Maybe I feel as I do because I am a legal secretary and know what goes on behind the scenes.

  • frankiespeakin

    My feeling is that a person should not be threaten by city government into submitting to jury duty as if it were some form of civic duty.

    I think if people are so brainwashed by government propaganda into beleiveing you are doing a service to humanity by judgeing their fellow man by some law that is often time arbitrary and cruel more often than just. By doing this the government is recieving your support of all the laws they make as just and all you have to decide is whether he is guilty or not of some infraction of a law that you may not agree with, I'm sorry but they get no suport from me.

  • Jim_TX

    I was called for jury duty a few months ago - I was very unsure of how things worked.

    It turns out that it isn't that bad - and they gave me a 'Get Out of Jury Duty' card - that is good for three years. What it means is that they cannot call me back for jury duty for the next three years - which is fine by me.

    Of course - that's for the county. The state or federal - that's different.

    They re-imburse - or 'pay' you for jury duty... $6.00 the first day - and if you have to go back (I.E. selected to sit on a jury), you get... I think it's about $30 or $40 - per day.

    I had to pay about $4.00 for parking, and $2.00 for lunch... so, it's a wash.

    That's for the state of Texas.


    Jim TX

  • parakeet

    ".....should a person be penalized if they just fail to show up for jury duty, or should they just look for people that feel it is thier civic duty, and volunteer?"

    An all-volunteer jury would be a disaster. The only people who would volunteer would be those with an axe to grind. The idea of an impartial jury would be thrown out the window, resulting in an even more unfair system than is currently in place.

    Then who should judge? Who should make the laws? If the judicial system is not working the way it should, reform is needed, not a mass of turned backs from citizens. I remember a quote from the movie, The Verdict, in which the protagonist said that our judicial system does not guarantee justice, but it does provide the chance for justice. That's more than most of the accused in this world receive.

    I don't think it's unfair to be called for jury duty. It would be unfair only if you were not allowed the freedom to state your views about the judicial system.

  • NYCkid

    I reported to jury duty last week and it couldn't have come at one of the worst weeks for me but I was able to get out of serving after one day (I'm a full-time student so that was my excuse). Actually I would like to serve as a juror at least once and feel that I could be fair and impartial.

    The whole process was based on being judged by one's peers which supposedly gives the defendent and plantiff an advantage. Frankly from what I observed of many of the potential jurors last week, I wouldn't want most of them judging me. It's quite frightening actually.

    I agree that jury duty should be assigned to those who truly want to perform that function. The problem is that if it becomes optional or volunteer based, some states won't have enough people to serve. I also feel that courts need to better compensate those who serve. NY pays jurors $40.00 per day and NJ pays the same but only after the 3rd day. Prior to that, NJ pays $5.00 per day. Money talks and the average person would probably want to serve if there was adequate financial compensation.

    What rules of jd or the process don't you agree with?



  • buffalosrfree

    Years ago, I let it be known that I didn't believe in Jails/prisons except for persons awaiting execution
    I don't think it is any priviledge to have to pay taxes to support those in prison, I believe we should have 
    some sort of work camp situation as there are a lot of things that need taking care of and we have a lot
    of people sitting on their ass literally who could be doing it. I would rather we shoot them, hang them, 
    rather than have to spend tax dollars to support them. A 22Mag is much cheaper than the $100,000 or so 
    say it cost to house one person in prison. The illegals we have in prison should be air delivered back to 
    mexico (from 1500ft up) so they can return to their homeland. I just can't see penelazing society for the mistakes
    of these miscreants. The death row types should only get the same consideration they gave their victims
    none. But I don't want to be anal about it. \
    My daughters have been called to Jury Duty many many times and have had to actually go in only once. 
    Me one time and for some reason no one calls me anymore, hummmmm?
  • parakeet

    "I would rather we shoot them, hang them, rather than have to spend tax dollars to support them. A 22Mag is much cheaper than the $100,000 or so say it cost to house one person in prison."

    Your enlightened views are shared by many, many others, buffalosrfree -- in Iran, North Korea, and other societies that champion human rights.

  • frankiespeakin


    What rules of jd or the process don't you agree with?

    1)Namely that you have to judge someone guilty or not guilty reguardless of if you agree with the laws or the sentences for violation of such laws.

    2)That you have to miss work and come to the court with the threat of some penalty or fine if you do not show.

  • LongHairGal


    I don't like jury duty either. But, since we all have a right to be judged by a jury of our "peers", that means the juries have to pick from the population and unfortunately you and I are caught in the net sometimes. The best thing is to grin and bear it. I was lucky and got out of it for over 20 years. Then they found me probably because of a municipal parking sticker I filled out. But, they are finding people every day through the motor vehicles dept and even public assistance rolls. You can't escape. For too many years they bothered too few people so now they get everybody. There is no exemption no matter what your occupation or profession. Just bring a book and be patient. Hey, you might even meet some interesting people there. I did.

    Believe me, it may backfire on you if you come across offensive, unwilling or whatever because you will get tossed back into the group of people and then may get picked for a LONG trial. I saw a woman do that and it didn't work. It is far better to be agreeable and maybe get picked for something small, like a fender-bender case that will only take a few days. Then you will be done for 4 years or more.


  • crazyblondeb

    My dad got called one time. He went in wearing his oldest, dirtiest over-alls. (He was a plumber) They really stank!! His teeth were kinda black--not sure what he put on them. He and the judge were old friends. The judge was laughing his ass off. The attorneys quickly dismissed him. They never called him back!!

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