Katrina Relief Quickbuilds

by roflcopter 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunspot

    What about the fact that the WTS had to write a directive to its followers that they should NOT designate where the senders would like his money to GO on any checks to this sneaky organization?

    The JWs were then supposed to send it ONLY to the WTS under the generic labels of "Kingdom Work" or "Worldwide Preaching Work" which then allows them to use the funds for anything they darn well please.....including lawsuits being lodged against them.

    Imagine how a JW feels when sending in his hard-earned money to aid his fellow man.....only to discover that he is helping to pay for a trial to protect a pedophile.

    And it goes on and on and on......


  • enlightenedcynic

    Hello All,

    A few months back a letter was read to the congregation from the society. What stood out to me about the letter was that the first thing mentioned was how many kh's had been damaged and needed to be fixed or were in the process of being fixed. Last, and definitely least, mention was made of how many dub's had been displaced and how the friends from various states had shown "brotherly affection" by taking these ones in and providing for them.

    Complete and utter bulls***!!!


  • ocsrf

    What about the fact that the WTS had to write a directive to its followers that they should NOT designate where the senders would like his money to GO on any checks to this sneaky organization?

    Agreed, I did not like this when that point was brought out. They have contribution boxes designated for everything else, why not have one for disaster relief, with those monies being accounted for and disclosed on a monthly basis, telling those in the congregation how much was donated organizaiton wide and how much was dispersed and where. Had they done this, I think even more within the congregations would have opened up their wallets wider.


  • TopHat

    ocsf, Most of the help that go to rebuild in Louisiana and Mississippi usually stay with the local brothers and sisters. But in this case I imagine all the local homes were damaged also. Yes, the help probaly had to pay their own room and gas plus materials if any as a gift to Jehovah. ****The WTS****=SCAMMER

  • MinisterAmos

    Meh, the local congos did over 700 roofs for brothers after one monumental hurricane. The things that stood out most for me:

    The brother who needed a free roof and interior re-building on his gulf front (easily) $600K house but had enough extra cash to buy the house next door as an extra while the work was going on and then sell both afterwards.

    The brothers who neglected to do any preparation like boarding up or even preventative maintainance in the face of a Cat four hurricane but expected to be bailed out after.

    The brother who came out and asked us to "nail quietly" because he was inside watching TV

    I've got a million of them.

  • ocsrf
    The brother who came out and asked us to "nail quietly" because he was inside watching TV

    Yes, I heard of a Ocean front that was fixed up, that brother was apparently well off.

    Also, I heard of one where the 20 year son didn't lift a hand and join the brothers on the crew. Pretty sad.


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