JW foreplay

by stillajwexelder 24 Replies latest social humour

  • zagor
    Lets go out in the field service.

    LMAO, yup to meny of them wheat field served just nicely, or any tall grass field for that matter ....

  • Stealth453

    Please please please please please please please....

  • LittleToe

    Gen 26:8 So it came about that as his days there extended themselves A·bim'e·lech, king of the Phi·lis'tines, was looking out of the window and taking in the sight, and there was Isaac having a good time with Re·bek'ah his wife.

  • geevee

    Remember, we really only have Joseph's word for it that he ran..... Mrs Potiphar still seemed like she had been done by him. Maybe she had, and he had to change his story before the elders who were interogating him!

  • geevee

    About the foreplay thing, what would really work is, how about we skip the meeting this morning [on a sunday] and stay in bed !!!

  • zagor

    Gen 26:8 So it came about that as his days there extended themselves A·bim'e·lech, king of the Phi·lis'tines, was looking out of the window and taking in the sight, and there was Isaac having a good time with Re·bek'ah his wife.

    LMAO, thanks for reminding me of that lol. Wasn't there also something about queen Esther, before she became queen she was taken to king. Now if I remember king slept with each of other girls once but for some reason (explained by watchtower) didn't touch Esther - wow, how convincing is that?!?! she went there knowing full well what was going to happen and by some miracle it didn't. Maybe king got too drunk, that would be, I suppose, the only thing that would give such a claim some credibility lol

  • luna2

    Hey, you laugh, but a couple women I know made preliminary moves by making sure to run into the object of their interest out in service and then maneuvering to be in the guy's car group. So romantic.

    The last gal's manhunt was during my fade so I wasn't around much to see it. I think after charming him during service, she had somebody throw a dinner party together and invite them both too, but I'm fuzzy on the details....maybe that's where they first held hands. As you all know, that's practically an engagement right there.

  • StillGroggy

    oh, it's raining today... guess we can go out in FS tomorrow.


  • stillajwexelder

    read a thread between diamondblue74 and sirona

  • misanthropic

    Stillajwexelder- I just noticed your avatar is that you in drag/Halloween Outfit?

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