WTC Eight Black Boxes Dedtroyed

by Satanus 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigboi

    Hey Y'all:

    Interesting theories here.

    I like Seeker's hypothesis and especially his points about the Bush administration and U.S. government actually coming out on top in this instance. Sure the economy may be taking a bit of a hit, but that won't affect the government until the next election and financially it really won't hurt em either.

    There is no doubt that in the last few yrs certain regions had been seeking to at the very least lessen our sphere of influence over them. The latest move by Arafat in rejecting the concessions offered to them by Ehud Barak was imo, an indication that the Palestinians wanted us and Israel out. Mothing more, nothing less. It shocked me that he would assert himself in such a bold manner and rik another entifada breaking out.

    Just using that example I think there is good reason to believe that the U.S. needed an excuse to flex it's muscles and get ppl back in line. Whether or not this was engineered to happen or they are just taking undue advantage of an opportunity is beyond me. I just don't know.



    "life's a bitch a with a g-string and a twelve pack of Busch."

  • SixofNine

    Nope, couldn't be the fbi-too big. I'm pretty sure the fbi agent down the street had nothing to do with this. For that matter, I'm pretty sure he is sincere in his efforts to find out exactly who did do it.

    Do you mean a few "placed" people in the fbi? People who can control information totally, both coming and going, w/o it ever being seen by non "placed" agents?

    Who specifically are the fbi's "masters"?

  • SixofNine

    True, SS, but then again, none of the govt's constituents believe that they will be damned for all eternity for pointing out the govt's errors. Besides, "the govt" is a term so broad that it is meaningless to this particular discussion, isn't it?

  • teejay


    Maybe i should see wag the dog.

    You should. Today. The parallels would humor... amaze... terrify (?) you.


    I'm not saying I believe this, but I could see this as a plausible explanation: The U.S. knew about these attacks in advance.

    I've been toying with that idea since the 12th.

    The NSA today admitted they intercepted communications from the terrorists in advance, overhearing the plans.

    Any links?

    What if they actually did get the information in advance, knew of the attack, and were told to hold off...

    Consider this:
    The U.S. has double-crossed its former allies (now enemies) in the past to reach its own ends before (hate to disillusion the lurking pro-American patriots). What if the plan wasn't to crash into a building but just your standard hijacking, and once getting airborne, they (the hijackers and network) put THEIR plan in effect? "You've double-crossed us, we're doing the same to you. This is war."

    But it still gives them the chance to go around the world, carte blanche, and kill anyone they want, no other nations giving them any grief. For an administration that has been adamant about ripping up peace treaties, picking fights with China, and basically setting up this country for a new agressive stance against the world, this time is like kid-in-the-candy-store for them.


    Plus they get the added bonus of being able to sneak through Congress all sorts of draconian laws...

    Bingo! And all with the full, rabid support (hovering around 90% approval) from John Q Public and those who dissent or just want to question (even celebrities like Bill Mauer) are viewed as un-patriotic. Hmmmmm....

    In short, with any event, ask yourself, Who benefits?

    Check the board ( On the 12th I began to wonder and ask that question.

    The Bush administration...

    Bigtime. But S points to the biggest winner, the same ally who has been fighting an escalating, increasingly bloody intefadeh with Palestinians with little U.S. interest. Well... we're interested now, eh?

    Nice meeting you intelligent guys! I always like running across thinking people.

    tj ~ breathing in the air of freedom... while he still can

  • Amazing

    Hi Seeker: I truly appreciate your response above. The FDR and CVR are designed for 1100 DegC for 30 minutes, and for planes that hit the ground, break apart, scatter fragments all over. The WTC Towers actually swallowed these planes like a rock shoved into a marshmallow. The planes burned at over 1000 DegF (538 to 550 DegC) for about 2 to 3 hours. So while the temperature limit was lower than the design, the duration of of high temperatures likely damaged thse boxes.

    As for the passport being found several blocks away, this makes sense. Watching the second plane crash into the tower, part of the cockpit exited out the other side and can be seen careening toward the ground in a long slow arch. It seems very likely to me that some identifiable material, such as a passport flopping out, would be found this way, as were sun glasses, etc.

    Thanks again. I enjoy your posts, and your maintaining objective review of topics, especially in this case wher you point out good issues to balance out the findings. It will be interesting to see what happens as the rubble is carted off and more objects are found.


  • Seeker


    No, I don't have a link to the NSA story. I heard it on NPR radio this morning, so it's possible the reporter was referring to a story that came out prior to today.

  • Seeker


    Thanks again. I enjoy your posts, and your maintaining objective review of topics, especially in this case wher you point out good issues to balance out the findings.

    Bet you wrote that before you read my wild speculations, huh? :)

    Thanks. I'm willing to believe anything, but give me some hard evidence first. That's my thing.

  • Satanus


    A few of the fbi's masters are president bush, his cabinet, govt security officials, representatives of the justice department, the federal emergency management agency, vice pres, attorney general.

    Some of the agencies involved in the wtc investication: FBI, CIA, U.S. military, emergency officials and state and local governments.

    Planting an arab passport a couple of blocks from the wtc would be would be very easy. Deciphering the blackbox content is the technical part. In this case, you can bet the govt has control of the technician doing the analysis.

    My comparison of the govt to an organisation that takes on a life of its own, i think is a good one. In the case of the govt it is just a lot bigger. Each department must get and keep its funding, thus insuring continued existence. This applies to most of the agencies, from the biggest to the smallest. Generally they must produce results, to prove their usefulness. If you study politics in government you can see all of this. Any govt worker would likely tell you stories to this effect.


  • heathen

    you would think that since the federal government is responsible
    for public transportion that a conspiracy involving the fbi is definately feasible .I remember all the warnings and public service
    announcements about entering in an age of terrorism and for Americans
    to expect all kinds of havoc being initiated by foreign thugs .ONe must be curious of how could they be so neglegent in providing proper
    security for the most convenient and popular means for a terrorist
    to perpetrate a crime against the civilian population .These hyjackings are not ucommon especially when the US is using economic
    and millitary force with middle eastern countries.Personally I do
    feel that more should have been done to protect innocent Americans
    from this tragic incident .We always hear statements from government
    officials on protecting US interests abroad yet something so predictable can take place at home .Now they are trying so hard to
    get support for an invasion of east asia which will cost many more
    billions of dollars and American soldier lives.
    I also saw other points on the US using this as a means to further
    thier plans to undermine the constitutional rights of the American people.I am aware of attepts to pass bills that include power of government to wire tap phones a random ,conduct search and seizure of
    private property without any knowledge or consent .If you look up there is a vote taking place on whether the gov. should
    have the power to sieze assets and property of anyone believed to be
    conspiring with terrorists which could lead to more unjust treatment of innocent people.The bottom line is ,we have to wait and see what happens next and watch for any signs of coverups and deception.
    ps: I did see wag the dog and thought it was a very good movie
    I do think the government uses simular tactics such as in the branch
    davidian insident [be on the watch for brain washing ].
    ps2: when I mentioned soccer moms I was refering to the listeners
    of rush limbaugh that call in and swallow every bit of drivel from
    the alledged conservatives .The misconception of conservatives can
    do no wrong while the liberals are the nations enemy .I am sure they
    all went down and voted for gwb without a second thought.Such is America though in my opinion .I certainly don't have anything against
    free speach or soccer moms,just being critical that's all .


  • SixofNine

    Lot O' masters that ole fbi of thousands has, isn't it? Jesus wouldn't last a day in this modern "spook" filled world would he? Can't serve two masters, my ass!

    The only thing I am 100% sure about the whole case is this: when all is said and done, a year from now, maybe 10 years from now, no matter what the outcome, let me repeat, no matter what the outcome, some of the people in this thread are going to be convinced beyond ANY doubt that this was a mysterious conspiracy orchestrated by people who got away with it.

    Some things in the future are easy to predict.

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