Why would God speak in symbols if he really wanted us to understand?

by rebel8 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    its not just "religious speech", Bill Clinton for example, claims the word "is" contains ambiguity.

    Not being American I'm afraid I miss your allusion, but out of context I certainly agree.

    Wild Bill was trying to wiggle his way out of a statment he made under oath and say he didn't lie, in court. The court didn't buy it.

    Hense my comments about honesty.

  • Narkissos

    Thanks proplog and DD...

    Never heard about E-Prime: from what I just googled it sounds interesting.

    As to the Clinton story I'm familiar with the general outline (as the entire galaxy is...), not the exact semantic detail.

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    Perhaps it was a nicely done trap...to see who would rise up claiming to be a guest in God's mind..for power and control over those who were honest about not knowing and having posession of secrets from God.

    Or seperate the "sheep from the goats" if you will....

  • Borgia

    From the Genesis account with the tower of Babel: God solely is responsibel for the divisions in this world: confusion of language. (Is it any wonder why the rest of the bible caused the same?)

    What effect did he pursue: ...."

    Gen 11:6 And Jehovah said, Behold, the people is one, and the lip one to all of them, and this they are beginning to do, and now all which they have purposed to do will not be restrained from them.

    Gen 11:7 Come, let Us go down and confuse their language so that they cannot understand one another's speech. "

    In short....he himself does not want people united but devided. All the wars that came as a consequence were founded on this principle.

    Intersting how the NT speaks of unity and the desire to unite........ Here´s another one:

    Eccl. 3:10-13

    10 I have seen the occupation that God has given to the sons of mankind in which to be occupied. 11 Everything he has made pretty in its time. Even time indefinite he has put in their heart, that mankind may never find out the work that the [true] God has made from the start to the finish. 12 I have come to know that there is nothing better for them than to rejoice and to do good during one’s life; 13 and also that every man should eat and indeed drink and see good for all his hard work. It is the gift of God.

    I think it sums it up quite clearly.....

    My father once had a return visit who ordered the green NWT. You know why? He used the paper to make and then smoke fags(weed). Now that´s a fine example of a crafty use of the bible.....



  • bubble

    I have had this thought for a long time. A LOVING god would make sure we had all the information necessary for a happy and fulfilling life, and full details of how he would like to be worshipped.

    None of those things are clearly apparent in the bible, nor are his plans for the future or what (if anything) happens after death.

    So it makes me wonder that if there is a god, is this book anything to do with him? If it isn't then what kind of LOVING father gives his children none of his wisdom and understanding to benefit their lives?

    You can go round and round in circles on this subject!!

  • katiekitten

    Its clear that god only wanted people with mensa type brains who could work out puzzles and brain teasers. Perhaps he was hoping for a mathematician type following of supernerds, and instead he got a bunch of half wits and 1970s union leaders.

    What a disapointment for the almighty one.

  • freetosee
  • rebel8

    I guess another possible explanation is God is trying to avoid his enemies ... like the people in DaVinci Code ... keeping everything hidden or written in puzzles ... but then he wouldn't be omnipotent if he had to hide from his enemies....so that can't be it either.

    I suspect the Bible is so popular because it has mysterious language and people love a good puzzle.

    *** w04 2/1 p. 21 par. 13 "The Scene of This World Is Changing" ***

    Since Bible prophecies are often fully understood only after they are fulfilled or are in the process of fulfillment, we will have to wait and see.

    lol, I guess why call it a prophecy then?

  • Borgia

    rebel 8,

    you have a typo. it's profeaces......



  • Ade

    I think that Jesus hit the nail on the head that childlike ones would inherit the kingdom, The reason being is ( this is no insult to scholars etc ), People search too deeply to unravel "symbols/prophecy", look for too much in scripture and then believe they have achieved wisdom, they have however missed the simple message of love and faith.

    Many times these people will contradict theirselves, take the FDS and all the "light shining brighter" contradictions over the years. Many times Jesus said "your Faith has made you well" never did he say "Your knowledge has made you well" there are many things we do not, and will never know.

    Faith should be enough, not blind prophetical jargonisms or an intellectual high believing we can teach more than the word of God contains.Overall for me the bible is an easy message.

    God bless you all

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