How can twelve years olds get baptized? it is crazy!

by happehanna 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • coolhandluke

    i got baptized at nine. it was because i wanted to be accepted and praised for such a "mature" and "spiritual" choice to show my love for my God. it was pressure from those around me. the emotional implications of it were horrible. i fit in no where. the sisters wouldn't listen to me in the group at field service. the kids my age thought i was a goody 2 shoes and wanted nothing to do with me. i was more alone than i care to recall. it was freaking torture.

  • SPAZnik

    I remember being told dedication to god/wts was more weighty a decision than marriage and that baptism day was more important a date than marriage. At the same time I was told I was supposed to wait til I was 30 or 35 to decide who I love tho' I was supposedly ready to make the "weightier" dedication at age 15. Funny how messed up it all looks now.

  • wozadummy

    Hanna Something to think about - God saw fit to let Jesus mature enough till he was thirty before he had his son baptised and he was perfect.

  • return visitor
    return visitor

    You hit a hot button issue for me!! My son is 17 and not baptized, before I started fading (about 2 months ago) an elder asked me why he wasn't, and said they would like to use him in the congrigation. I told him pretty much what I have seen in the post so far, that it is suppose to be a lifelong dedication and that we would not be encouraging him to marry that young. Would you believe this elder told me "well, it can serve as a protection". I about hit the floor!! I told him to show me in the bible where is says to get baptized for a protection. Then I reiterated that the only reason to getbaptized according to the borg was because you already made a dedication and want to symbolize it.

    My suggestion would be get the 12 year old a pet and tell him/her to feed the pet every day for a year (prove that they know what dedication is) then they can get baptized. I gaurantee that child will not feed that pet every day. In fact, by that standard they will probably be well into their 20's before getting baptixed.

    Just my oppinion,


  • BabaYaga

    Nate: EXACTLY... yeah baby baptism might be silly, but it won't ruin your chances to ever have a life or your family by your side! The JWs expect you to hold to this as if it is a promisory contract, when no other contract is LEGAL at this age.

    CoolHand: It was your situation (nine years old) I thought of and referred to in my post.

    Return Visit: GREAT IDEA with the PET suggestion!!! That's thinkin', Dear. Honestly, if a kid that age will be the sole provider for a pet for a year... (and I do know kids who will, but thank goodness they aren't JW's!!!)

  • mama1119

    It is horrible. I knew someone who was baptized at 8 and pioneering with his mother during the summer at 9. I don't know why any parent would push it at such a young age, knowing the consequences they would have if he or she made any kind of mistake.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    The wts say they don't baptise children. So a 12 year old is obviously an adult in their eyes.

  • joe_black

    In my big family, my oldest JW sisters two children baptized at the ripe old age of 14 and 15, now three years later both DF'd.....My other two sisters who were both baptized at early ages, one at 12 and the other 14 who are now mothers, are both DF'd.....One of my brothers who is DF'd also has two children who were baptized at ages 13 and 14, both DF'd. The rest are just hangin in by a thread.

  • Carmel

    dunked at 12, Df'd at 14.

    carmel's autobio

  • codeblue

    Well, if they were really following Jesus example, no one would get baptized till they were 29!!!

    and if you aren't old enough to get married, you aren't old enough to get baptized!

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