College Degree = $23K more a year salary

by under_believer 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • under_believer

    Good question, VM44. But even if they did report these facts, the report would be followed by a quotation of Matt 6:19-21 .

  • kilroy2

    Its not about the $ for the cult, People who go to college, will have their minds opened,They will have ideas that will conflict, and show the cult for what it is. Education is the light that shows the cult for what it is, and the cult can not stand with this kind of scrutiny.

    Just like the church of scientology, they do not allow their people to even surf the net, with out the program they have developed installed on their members systems. the program blocks any site that is critical of their cult. The society does not have this type of software but does denture their members from using the internet. And tells them to run, if they start to see or hear anything that is critical of the the society.

    The society would love their member to make more $, but they would rather have members that make 9k a year, than members that make 50k a year and move away from the cult. Or worse yet, start to tell others in the cult that the king has no clothes.

  • jaguarbass

    They're afraid that if JWs go to college, they'll have less control over them.

    Thats true, isn't it? The time is coming when they will have to reinvent the religion or go out of business.

  • jaguarbass

    You'd think they'd figure out that higher income = higher potential contributions.

    I never thought the watchtower society was all about money. I think they are just the blind leading the blind. Dumb and Dumber. The leaders are in denial.

  • daystar

    Let's see... *mathematically challenged Daystar launches the calculator*

    Assuming 10% contribution...

    .10x20000 salary x30 years = 60000


    .10x50000 salary... ... x6 years, we'll say? = 30000

    Of course, they would be best served by moderating the dogma in the long run, but since they assume only a short run... Hell, I haven't a clue as to what they must be thinking...

  • mcsemike

    Besides all the wonderful observations made here, another reason might be the GB and the FDS itself. Since many, if not most of THEM never got beyond high school, they never learned to THINK and use common sense. So they are too ignorant and stupid to figure out all of the fine reasoning here against not getting a good education. "An informed people are a free people." But the WT can't stand to have everyone "free" from their control, since there wouldn't BE a WT, so they keep them in darkness and lie to them.

    "JW's are like mushrooms. Keep them in the dark and feed them manure."

  • Little Drummer Boy
    Little Drummer Boy
    how it puts you in contact with "worldly people," damages your spirituality, demonstrates independent thinking,

    This is exactly what it did for me. Going into college a few years ago, I was only inactive, but that was for many reasons, including physical health and depression. However, at the time, I still felt that the society had the truuf. I even placed literature with a classmate my first semester (shame on me, and I hope she threw it in the trash). Now, I'm D.A.d and hate the bastard of an organization because I have finally allowed myself to think for myself. So, in effect, they are exactly right in saying what they do about the "dangers" of college. I'm so glad I didn't listen to them but went to school anyway.

  • bennyk

    My own college degree (B.A. in Liberal Arts) ultimately proved to be of no value, as I failed to obtain marketable skills, despite graduating summa cum laude. The money and time spent on my "education" cannot be recovered, and thus my college experience has been a source of bitterness to this very day. Over 70% of the janitors with whom I currently work likewise have a B.A. in Liberal Arts.

  • thecarpenter

    A liberal arts degrees can help somewhat but you still have to be proactive in securing work (even if it means moving to another area or going back to get marketable skills) . I never finished college but still managed to secure a terrific job with a great salary and benefits but I had to really work hard to get this job. I'm back in college now finishing my degree and plan to get my masters or other type of professional degree (MD, PC,...).

    A college degree doesn't guarantee success nor being a dropout guarantee failure but generally a college degree will make it easier to secure better employment as the statistical sampling from the US Census Bureau under_believer posted shows. Likewise, high school dropouts and high school graduates statistically will find it harder to increase their income. Society can dispute this with all sorts of anecdotal evidence they want but really it just makes them appear that much more foolish.

  • sspo

    The GB are idiots because they should learn from the Mormons and Seventh Day adv. and avangelical christians that beleive in higher education.

    Look at their statistics and you will see those groups retain their members, they make higher salaries because of their education and of course even donate 10% of their income.

    90% percent of young JW eventually fall away for one reason or another, when is the senile GB going to learn that their " wisdon or higher understanding" of the bible has not been working with with the young ones in the organization.

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