College Degree = $23K more a year salary

by under_believer 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • under_believer

    Check out the news on this recent press release from the US Census Bureau. Here's the Google News listing for it (so you can see all the places this story has been covered): Click Here.

    Lest anybody think the Society is taking a softer stance on this issue, well, they're not. During the recent district convention they spent a lot of time covering how worthless a college education is; how it doesn't prepare anyone for real life; how it puts you in contact with "worldly people," damages your spirituality, demonstrates independent thinking, etc. They had all kinds of experts they quoted to support these opinions. And yet, look at the average salary figures:

    * High School dropouts: $19,169
    * High School graduates: $28,654
    * College Grads (Bachelor's Degree): $51,554
    * Advanced College Grads (Master's or higher): $78,093

    The Society believes that going to college harms Christians, but the opposite is true. Just think of all that service time (people who make less money have to work more) and contributions that the Society is throwing away by discouraging college! Seriously, before we had kids, my wife actually was able to put much more time into the field ministry because of the fact that I had a great job. If I hadn't had such a good job, she would have had to work, and our aggregate service time as a couple would have been less. We were also able to make very big contributions, hundreds of dollars a month. If we'd been scrabbling to get by, it would have been more like a twenty or two into the box each month.

    One more example of retarded poorly thought out policies by a bunch of men who have never had to live in the real world.

  • daystar

    A poor quality of life for its constituency is necessary to support its insistence that life in "this world" sucks, and the WBTS subsequent control over them. Well, sure it does suck if you're a high school dropout trying to support a family of three on a salary of 25k and still expected to maintain active field service, meeting attendance, etc., and insist that your job work around your rigorous religious schedule.

    They're afraid that if JWs go to college, they'll have less control over them.

  • truthsetsonefree
    Well, sure it does suck if you're a high school dropout trying to support a family of three on a salary of 25k and still expected to maintain active field service, meeting attendance, etc., and insist that your job work around your rigorous religious schedule.

    When I think about this, I start to think that the GB hates the average publisher. How could they tolerate such a state of affairs?

  • sir82

    You'd think they'd figure out that higher income = higher potential contributions.

    A normal organization would do some sort of cost/benefit analysis - risk of losing some publishers who go to college, vs. reward of having those who "survive" being able to donate more.

    But these guys are utterly clueless, making idiotic decisions right & left, & when the sky doens't fall immediately, they are convinced they have "Jah's blessing".

  • greendawn

    It is a well known fact that in the developped countries people with degrees get decent salaries and that's why so many parents want their children to attend university to have a chance for a decent future. But also people without degrees can hit on clever business ideas and make a fortune. The FDS is trying to appeal to youngsters spiritual aspirations "serve jehovah look forward to the greater reward rather than the poor elements of this world" but it is all in vain since the WTS itself is only a pseudospiritual org.

  • VM44

    Strange....The Watchtower and Awake magazines don't report information like this in their articles.

    I wonder why?


  • jstalin

    I wonder what the average salary is of a High School dropout who has an awesome Awake! four year degree equivalent.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    The fact that they make more money is exactly the point of the F&DS in prohibiting higher education. More money means more materialism. Oh how wise they are. I've never met a matiralistic janitor. Bullcrap, the PO here was a big money janitor who had the new house and the nice cars etc. his world came down like a house of cards. Don't give me this education equals collapse trash.

    Go to hell F&DS. Who needs your myopic, simplistic and deluded world? Control, control, control....

    Not me.


  • moshe

    -37 years later this JW pioneer sister has, no pension, no husband, no children, no medical insurance an no career. Her rent is past due and her car is is worn out-- thanks to all those miles she put on it in pioneer service! If she complains to the Governing Body about the poor decisions she made in her life, they will tell her it was HER decision to stay single and drop out of high school to pioneer in 1970. SHE is responsible for not having a career, family or future, not them. The fact is, every Jehovah's Witness will grow old and die just like everyone else in the world. It's not too late to face the fact that the teachings of the Watchtower Society are not and have never been the "Truth". God would obviously not support an Organization that has clearly been wrong on every major prediction it has ever made and over 99.8% of the World's population have rejected the ever-changing messages from the Watchtower Society. What have they seen at , that you haven't?

  • moshe

    A copy of the flyer I made to distribute to local JW's- yours to copy and use, too.



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