Do you have any "old friends"?

by AlmostAtheist 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • aarque

    I know a lot of people, but don't have any close friends and no "old friends". The hall I grew up in discouraged getting close to anyone and of course friends from school were out of the question. To this day, I can't get close to anyone. My three sisters are the same way. We have each other and that is all. But, now I live 400 miles from the rest of my family. So, I spend my time with my husband... and he has friends that go back 35-40 years.

  • coffee_black

    I have been friends with my best friend since we were 6 years old. (my mom brought her family into the organization) She left the borg years before I did, but I refused to shun her. She has always been like a sister to me. Her family is out now too, and we're all good friends. My bf is an xjw fact we dated when I was in my teens.... Life is good


  • rebel8

    Reading this made me cry.

    This is a sad topic for me. It's one of those hurts from the cult that cannot be undone.

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