What's the worst injury or sickness you have seen participate at a meeting?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nosferatu

    Wow, my congregation was made up of a bunch of pussies compared to you guys. If someone had a slightly painful fart, they'd stay home.

  • elliej
    There was one woman in our congregation who had a baby on a Friday and came to the Sunday meeting, baby and all. Jeez, she didn't even get to miss one stinking meeting!

    Hubby's relative had a baby in the morning and still made it to the district convention (2 1/2 hours away, mind you) in time for the afternoon session. Anytime anyone had a baby after that they got reminded of the faithfulness of that particular sister.

    I have to say the worst affliction I have ever seen anyone show up at the hall with would be a family case of headlice. I don't care what anyone says, that is just wrong, for the family and for the rest of us.

  • lovelylil

    There was a mother in our hall with a young daughter (6) who insisted they be at every meeting even if the child was sick. She came with bronchitis, viruses, fevers everything. Well one time when this family came in, I overheard the little girl complaining of a "tummy ache". The mother told her to keep her voice down while they walked to their seat.

    Most of the sections were full or there was only two seats together. To get the three seats the family needed to sit way up front in the first section in front of the speaker.

    About 15 minutes into the talk - there was suddently a gagging sound and then........you guessed it.........the little girl let it all spew out and vomited right in front of the speaker. It was hallarious!

    On the way running up the aisle the girl gagged and vomited again. The elders were horrified. Anyway, a few weeks later we had a local needs talk about keeping sick kids at home so that they don't "pass" it on to anyone. Of course we all knew it was so that the elders would not have to clean up the mess. Anyway, it served the parents right for bringing the kid there in the first place when she was obviously sick.

    Not me, my kids both have asthma and allergies and we missed LOTS of meetings. Lilly

  • cyd0099

    I dropped my motorcycle and had to have a pin put in my ankle and got to wear shorts to every meeting for six months.

  • Abandoned

    One important thing about zealousness that gets left out of the service meeting is how selfish it is. You get the chance to show that YOUR dedication to god is more sincere than that moraless slug sitting next to you. Instead of recuperating at home like one of the spiritually weak, you can go parade your faithfulness around in front of everyone else. It's a nice feel good moment - and about as far from brotherly love as you can get while still wearing a suit and a smile.

  • blondie

    I know of a sister who took her children to the meeting because the CO was visiting, although all four of them had chicken pox. Every child who had not had chicken pox yet came down with it.

    A brother who came with the flu and threw up in the aisle.

    There was a brother who had full-blown AIDS (nothing is confidential at a KH except the identity of pedophiles). The elders made him sit in a special chair and others would not touch the doorknobs or use the men's restroom (even though he never went in there). He was not contagious except to people who had sex with him.


  • Sunspot

    The very last time I was in a Kingdom Hall was at the Memorial in 1999. I was still on crutches (had graduated from a long bout in a wheelchair) and in tremendous pain with arthritis in both hips and my right arm. After supper, my grandson had been chasing the cat and had fallen the night before the Memorial, and he was in such pain that we brought him to the ER.....Xrays showed he had broken his collarbone. So there we were, him in his litte sling and me hobbling around on crutches, and sharing the Tylenol, LOL!

    Frannie......you have DEFINETLY won in this category.....hands down!



  • lighthouse19something

    I recall a convention where people had food poisoning from a bad batch of tuna salad, and most stayed till the session was over.

  • lost_light06

    A few years back there was a young pre-teen girl in nearby hall that had some sort of sickness (can't remember what it was) that made her cough..... only the cough sounded like a seal bark, no joke. Her family made her go to the DC the entire 3 days. She sat with her mother in the upper hallway around the Tacoma Dome. Every minute or so she would cough (seal bark). I felt so bad for her as she was obviously very embarrassed by the whole thing.

  • mia_b

    I feel really sorry for the guy with aids

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