Questions="dishonest baiting"?

by Julie 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Julie

    Greetings to all--

    Three little scriptures that I feel reflect the opposite of all that Christians claim biblegod to be. I merely asked a hard-core defender of the faith to justify these as actions of an all-loving, enlightened Supreme Being. Here they are along with the "explanations" of them (in a nutshell):

    Daniel 6:24 What did the wives and children of Daniel's accusers do? Why were they slaughtered also? If that's mercy I will take heartlessness any day.

    The closest we got was a guilt by association sort of thing. Sad.

    2Kings 2:23,24 Is this how we treat children acting like children?

    I thought the explanation of this story was very telling. See, it turns out this is not really as horrible and barbaric as it looks. They weren't really "children" but "young men". Also these "young men" had mocked another "young man" who spoke for God (so he claimed but hey, so does Shelby)--so they deserved to be ripped up by bears.

    1Chronicles 21:14 70,000 people die by God's hand because David took a census. I fail to see the enlightenment here. Maybe someone as all-knowing as you can explain it to simple little me.

    Well as it turns out David had done this census for "self-serving" purposes! Yes, it's true! He wanted to make himself look even more powerful than he was so he did this census and not all that accurately either! Surely then those 70,000 people had it coming!

    Keep in mind what I went through to get these answers. Had to plow through and respond to yards of unrelated bible stories and their "justifications", received no answer until many days and posts later and then was answered with stuff other people had written. I was personally attacked often and then finally, after these "answers" were Reluctantly given, was informed this was just "dishonest baiting".

    What it boils down to is this: there are countless tales of horror in the bible. Some of us just do not think they indicate an all-loving God, much less anyone displaying a shred of enlightenment. No matter how many pages of apologetics one posts the facts remain unchanged and the main one is that innocents are killed.

    Another fact is that biblegod is portrayed as very angy. Anger is obviously one of mankind's basest imperfections. How can a Supreme Being fall victim to imperfect man's base, unenlightened weaknesses so often?

    The last issue I would like to draw attention to is this: How insecure is this Supreme Being? Why would an all-knowing, all-loving picture of enlightenment create a planet and fill it up with people whose sole purpose on Earth is to worship him? Does this not indicate a highly disturbed severe case of narcissism?

    I don't understand why it is Christians who tend to think they are so righteous and wise in their beliefs and so critical of those of us who cannot reconcile love with slaughter.

    Wondering if there are an honest Christians--

  • nytelecom1

    yes many times god appears to act in freakish manners.

    "i could never worship a god who needs to be praised all day"
    ---------some dead guy

  • Julie

    :"i could never worship a god who needs to be praised all day"
    ---------some dead guy

    I can't help but wonder if a "quote" like this is to plant that subconcious seed of fear. As in when people think a god who demands constant worship is not worthy of worship will end up dead. Of course all those guys that wrote the bible are, hey wait a minute, they are all dead too. Funny how that works.


  • Makena

    God may be subtle, but He isn't plain mean. -- Albert Einstein

    There is the answer - God is just being a bit subtle. He also views the nations as a film of dust on the scales of his justice. Once in awhile the earth needs a good dusting.

    Perhaps He is using the US and its allies to perform some dusting on the worlds terrorists?

    Peace everyone!
    Makena - who has very few answers these days, but lots of questions - and glad to be finally free to think for myself, research and explore.

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Yep, you have the title.

    You keep raising the same verses, ad nauseum, that have already been answered repeatedly, you contuinue to ignore the research done in written material because you don't like the answer. So why do you keep bringing it up, time after time?
    You are baiting Christians.
    How are you dishonest?
    You want no answer except the conclusion that you have come to, therefore, no answer that ANYONE OF FAITH can give will ever satisfy you. If you were 'oh so concerned' about the people coming out of the Borg you would quit changing the focus of the forum and work WITH Christians to get people out of that cult. Isn't that the goal here?
    This also applies to many of the rest here:
    Furthermore, you are dishonest and heartless even in that respect, because you offer those leaving the WBTS nothing except a six foot hole at the end of a pointless life.
    Some of us think you point their eternal souls toward hell, but that is another issue.

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    >:"i could never worship a god who needs to be praised all day"
    ---------some dead guy

    God NEEDS nothing from us.
    We worship and praise God because we love Him.
    He died on a cross, in the flesh for our sakes and offer us eternal life with the only condition that we believe on Him in faith.
    He brought being into existence knowing full well that their own 'free choice' would cause them to fall and violate His righteous standards. Yet He still gave us life, He gave us a reprieve by allowing our sinful ancestors to reproduce, then He gave us grace, undeserved love, justification by the blood of Christ, sanctification by believing on Him and glorification in heaven that is already accomplished in eternity.

  • Winston



  • sf

    Hey "Rex",

    Do you, uh, yahooooooooooooo?

    Bet you don't last long over here. Yet we'd love ya to give it a go, if ya can take the "heat".

    sKally, kiss the Cook baby!

  • Bridgette

    Not to beat a dead horse, but for a very humorous parody on the circular logic of most biblegod (I like that!--can I use it?) worshipers, go to

    Some are simply not ready for the responsibility of free thought. I don't think this makes them lesser. As long as they allow room to walk my path (and truly, no one can take it away from me), I am fine. I stole THAT notion from Bobsgirl on another thread.


  • Julie

    Well hey there Rex--

    :that have already been answered repeatedly,

    This is an all out lie Rex. I was barely able to drag answers out of you once, you did however dodge the questions repeatedly.

    :you contuinue to ignore the research done in written material because you don't like the answer.

    Another lie Rex. I didn't ignore the answers that you found (that others wrote, indicating your inability to form your own thoughts/conclusions). I included them under the verses I had to badger you into addressing. I note you do not take issue with my summary of said answers.

    :So why do you keep bringing it up, time after time?

    It hurts, I know Rex. After dodging all that time and finally, to save face, you post "answers" for "the lurkers"--no doubt thinking you could finally be done with it and move on to more thunderous activity. I thought this post would serve to accomplish several things. One would be to again highlight just what exactly is in the bible and of course the lengths (or should I say depths) that Defenders of the Faith, such as yourself, have to go to to "explain" it all.

    Lastly, this latest performance of dodging, finger pointing, baseless accusations and LYING that you have handed in is worthy of recap. It clearly demonstrates who really has to employ dishonesty in order to justify their views and it isn't those who don't believe in biblegod.


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