How Much $$$ Did You Contribute To The Organization?

by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • juni

    $20 a week not including paying for the literature, extra gasoline for the car for service, extra monies that were "voted" on for CO's needs. I don't even want to figure out the total for 21 years!

    And miscellaneous expenditures on supplies for cleaning. ughhhhh


  • candidlynuts

    thousands..i figured it up once.. i forget the figure now..

    makes me wonder.. do they not want me now because of who i am or because i'm on disability and live off less than 500 a month now?

  • greendawn

    I gave them next to nothing money wise but unfortunately I pioneered for about a year and gave them a lot of my time.


    I used to give a substatial amount... not hundreds of dollars a month but maybe $50-100.... I always reacted to the deficit announcements and then that month maybe give $200. Since 2002.... I havent put one penny in the box at the hall of Assembly Hall. Wife thinks I donate so she gives me the money to put in the box but i hide it in her wallet again or just keep it.

  • minimus

    I was one of those that would contribute after a plea was made. Usually, I'd donate $$$$$ to the CO, though. (Had some good assembly parts).

  • xjwms

    This is a good subject because:

    We gave money, ... my car was always out in the ministry, miles, gas, slam my doors so hard I thought they ended up on the other side.

    I had station wagons, took familys out .. packed the kids in the back. We would stop for treats I'd buy coffee, .. sweet rolls.. etc.

    Time, all the time we gave, I wish I had a little back. Its not just the money given....its the money $pent. Hotels, .. meals, assemblies.

    Thanks for the memories.


  • Tuesday

    I left when I was 19/20 right about the time you're expected to contribute, so I never contributed anything. God I'm glad there were times I was so broke all I had was flour and water in my house to eat and I would've missed anything I had contributed.

  • restrangled

    What really gets to me, is the latest video on utube showing some hotel they brought back to its original grandeur. It is lavish and outrageously beautiful, winning awards.

    If I am not mistaken, it is a residence......for whom? The GB or the lawyers? While others are expected to live in 10 x 10 austere rooms with no bathrooms or kitchen facilities, get used clothing and a small stippend every month, who in the He$$ is living in this refurbished hotel?

    Someone needs to look into this.


  • NeverKnew

    Resurrecting this thread...

    Just curious if there is any peer pressure to donate.

  • Apognophos

    Naw, people won't know if you donate or not, so they can't pressure you one way or another.

    I used to give a modest amount monthly, so I suppose it added up to hundreds of dollars I wasted, but that's nothing compared to what many have invested.

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