Guess who came around breakfast...

by ColdRedRain 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • ColdRedRain

    Yup. JW's. I told them to come over tomorrow. What questions should I ask the elder? I've been so out of the JW loop that I don't know how to get them to answer my questions without them running away.


  • Gretchen956

    Ask him how the court decision in California will affect the local congregation.


  • jillbedford

    It must be that time of the year when the elders are doing their sheparding visits to "help" those who have fallen away from the "flock" to return to the "fold".

    DON'T DO IT!


    Regardless off how you handle it,your going to freak them out..So..Have some fun..Make them sweat..You may not get another opportunity like this for a very long time..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • solo

    how about this (if he has any children)

    ask if he would give his life for his child, if he says yes then ask him this:

    say his child needs a blood transfusion in order to live, then would he forfit his relationship with Jehovah and save the child, therefore sacrificing his life for his childs

  • Butters

    My favorite question has always got to be how they knew Christ arrived in 1914 (from where to where by the way) when Matthew 24:36 says NO MAN knows when... The where to where part is what I cannot understand. He invisibly returned from Heaven to where? Earth? He must have gone from one point to another to "return" from somewhere to somewhere else. The illusion is quite redundant. Acts 1:7 proves even more this point. Although I forget what the bullshit answer is to this myself. Good luck. May your satan help you deliver them over on this one. (adversary is not a person)..

  • jaguarbass

    Yup. JW's. I told them to come over tomorrow. What questions should I ask the elder? I've been so out of the JW loop that I don't know how to get them to answer my questions without them running away.

    Why do you want to dance with the devil, play with fire? If you are strong what do you need from them? If you are weak do you think they or anybody else will help you? If you do, you are setting your self up to be exploited. If you want questions answered, maybe someone here or on the internet can answer your question and you can process the information more objectively, with out a litterature salesman playing on your emotions. Then I think this, if you invited them over and you dont even know what to ask them, couldnt you use your time better cleaning the hair out of your navel or playing with your super playstation? Cant you see when you say what questions should I ask the elder that you are playing the part of a sheep? They are shepards looking for a flock. Is that what you want? A wolf wouldnt ask, what should I ask them.

    If the above doesnt make any sense to you and you are looking for a question to ask the elder, try this one: What flavor is the coolaid going to be? And when do I get my coolaid?

  • greendawn

    After 1995 they can never be sure whether the end will come soon yet they insist that it will come soon, isn't that absurd?

  • Kaput
    I don't know how to get them to answer my questions without them running away.

    This is a bad thing?

  • Butters

    Ya know, I actually once heard a sister say that she didn't care whether Armageddon came or not, she was just plain happy being in Jehovah's Organization. That is a truly blinding thought... That's like saying, "I don't care if this war is ever over or not, I am just glad I could be here overseas killing people for the army."

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