Comments You Will Not Hear at the 10-22-06 WT Study (TONGUE)

by blondie 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • zeroday

    JW Wife: Brother Elder My husband and I need marriage counseling. He is verbally abusive to me.

    Elder: JW Husband is this true you need marriage counseling?

    JW Husband: NO everything is fine.

    Elder: Case closed.

  • parakeet

    Thanks, Blondie.

    WT advice in a nutshell:

    To JW men: No matter how your weak, irritating, gossipy, irrational wife may provoke you, be the superior being you are and don't yell at her.

    To JW women: Why can't you just shut up and let us men run everything?

  • Chameleon

    Good points. Ugh, I'm the reader today. Patience will make my freedom that much sweeter.

  • heathen

    Yah wow , I wonder how long the, put away the back biting, will last in the world of dubbism .When they finally do mention jesus in that article it's about headship but yet it never occurs to them that women are not obligated to do any preaching work or teaching work for that matter but they will always put the guilt trip on them . Sure you can go to a window washer for advice on marital affairs but the WTBTS will never take responsibility for bad advice .There really are 2 reasons relationships break apart , infidelity and financial hardship .I've never heard anybody break up over verbal conflicts. Just glad I didn't have to sit there and watch the worlds biggest gossipers condemn the act of gossiping .

  • serendipity
    There really are 2 reasons relationships break apart , infidelity and financial hardship .I've never heard anybody break up over verbal conflicts.

    Verbal abuse was a contributing factor in the decision by me not to marry the father of my child. A woman I work with is planning to divorce her verbally abusive husband. After 25 years of it, she wants peace.

  • Flowerpetal

    *** w79 2/15 p. 4 Are You Supportive?—You Can Be! ***

    She must guard against a common weakness that many wives have, namely, that of nagging. Not without good reason does King Solomon of old allude to this. (Prov. 21:19; 25:24) Why do some women engage in it despite really loving their husbands? It could well be due to an unconscious rebellion against the husband’s headship—either because of wanting to have more of a say in matters or to remind the husband that he also is not perfect. Then, again, it may be due to exaggeration of the importance of details.

    Why couldn't it well be this: taking your husband at his word that he will take care of something and ends up not taking care of it so the wife has to do it? How very frustrating is that?

    How about letting your "Yes" mean yes and your "No" mean no?

  • Sacchiel

    Q16) Why is the silent treatment damaging to a marriage?

    16) Little is accomplished--and damage can result--when a husband or a wife resorts to what has been called the silent treatment. This is not always a matter of punishing one's partner, as it may result from frustration or discouragement. Yet, refusing to talk to each other only heightens tension and does little to solve the problem at hand. As one wife put it, "once we do start talking again, we never discuss the problem."

    But don't they demand to give certain people the silent treatment until they decide its okay to talk to them?

  • SirNose586

    Wow, those were some pretty insensitive characterizations of women/wives by the Society. The saddest part is the poor women who buy this tripe hook, line and sinker. There is an older sister in my bookstudy who firmly believes that it's wrong for women to think that "just because they have to go to work and make a living, that they are somehow equal to men." I was conducting the study and was a little stunned by the comment, to say the least...

    Interesting finds, Blondie. Looks like you've got your work cut out for you next week!

  • Highlander

    Q16) Why is the silent treatment damaging to a marriage?

    16) Little is accomplished--and damage can result--when a husband or a wife resorts to what has been called the silent treatment. This is not always a matter of punishing one's partner, as it may result from frustration or discouragement. Yet, refusing to talk to each other only heightens tension and does little to solve the problem at hand. As one wife put it, "once we do start talking again, we never discuss the problem."

    But don't they demand to give certain people the silent treatment until they decide its okay to talk to them?

    Excellent point. Don't use the silent treatment in marriage, unless we say so in regards to shunning a df'd person, even if it's a relative.

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    Thanks again Blondie.

    One of the things i've noticed here is that a lot of people's experiences are that the men had no respect for their wives, I have to say it was completely different for me and my now ex wife. I wasnt able to voice myself to her as she would walk away from me. If she had something to say she would be very verbal to me. I guess for an easy life I let her do things her way, unfortunately this stopped me from voicing my needs and concerns, ultimately the love ceased. Obviously no one person is to blame, I made my fair share of errors too. The elders came to see us on a number of occasions to 'help', its quite ridiculous to imagine they had any qualifications to do so and yet there they were.

    CS 101

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