How Would You Refute JW's Claim Of Being The ONLY True Religion?

by minimus 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Since the new tract tells us "THE END OF FALSE RELIGION IS NEAR!", Jehovah's Witnesses maintain that they alone are the only true religion. How would you dispute that???

  • JH

    I think it's up to them to PROVE it !

  • Finally-Free

    They are the ones shooting off their mouths and making wild claims. The burden of proof is on them.


  • under_believer

    Easy, minimus. In that tract, they have three bullet points on what constitutes false religion. One of them is something akin to "spreads/promotes false teachings."

    The Society has demonstrably and self-admittedly promoted false teachings many times in their past. It's easy for anyone to find examples and even most rank and file Witnesses are aware of this.

    By their own definition, for the entire period of their past up until the very last doctrinal change, they have been a false religion.

    Unless we are to assume that they have everything right now, and that there will be no more doctrinal changes (something nobody, not even a Governing Body member, would be willing to bet the farm on) then they continue to be potentially a false religion by their own definition.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I have to agree with under_believer. There's enough proof on that one point. Otherwise, they would have to prove that they are the only ones who pass their own test on the bullet points.

  • minimus

    UB, great point!

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    False religion:

    Meddles in war and politics- the Watchtower kills its brothers by its blood policy, and takes governments to court, joined UN

    Spreads false doctrine - the Watchtower teaches two classes of christian, 607 to 1914, Paradise earth

    Tolerates immoral sex - the Watchtower keeps records of accused child abusers, but for the sake of keeping the org looking clean, withholds from authorities

    CS 101

  • greendawn

    They do not have real love between themselves not harming each other is not enough for the true religion they must go beyond that and actively seek to help those in need. Also they have no freedom of speech they have absolutely no right to criticise even constructively what a handful of inept leaders decide, that's not like the true religion.

  • lonelysheep


    Research would have to be done from 1) Prior WTS publications and/or 2) Outside publications aka "worldy" ones.

    Of course, doing so is a no-no!!

  • dido

    When i joined the wts over 30 years ago, i truly believed that they were different from all other religions, (i never had anytime for religion before them as could see the hypocrasy in them). Even the d/f policy i thought was good as it kept the congregation clean.Since leaving 5 years ago, i have found out that they are no better than any other religion, they harbour paedophiles and lie about their involvement with the political ststem that they ban members from getting involved in. They have let themselves down, as they have proved they are as false as every other manmade religion on this earth.

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