Bush's speech -- I'll be the first to admit...

by Seeker 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seeker

    As already discussed, the "Liberal press" is an old myth. It is now the Corporate press, and there is a difference.

    It's not sound bites that make Bush sound dopey, it's his speech mannerisms. Now, if you like the guy, you make allowances for that, and I understand that. To take an extreme example, Nixon was hated by many people, but those who liked the guy would constantly apologize for him and say how misunderstood he was. Well, there are two sides to every story, that's for sure. But Nixon did do bad things, no matter how many other good things he accomplished, and Bush isn't very smart, no matter how many conservatives claim it is a liberal conspiracy. The details of this argument are found, ad infinitum, in this thread.

    I am just thankful to Jehovah that Al Gore did not make it as President! Can you imagine how he would react?

    Boy do I hate comments like this! Although I disliked Gore too, I have no idea how he would have reacted as president. Reagan was the cowbody president, but it was his wonk of a VP who wound up leading one of the biggest war efforts of recent years. Clinton was the draft dodger who wouldn't know what to do with an army if one was given to him. Suprise surprise, he sent the marines in time and again all over the world. So none of us would have any idea how Gore would do. He's certainly a deeper thinker than Bush, from all indications, but what difference would that make? The president doesn't decide these things unilateraly, but listens to all his advisors, the Pentagon, the FBI, the CIA, etc. Only then do decisions get made. Thankfully, in Bush's case, for he has very little experience being president so far.

    So cheer on Bush if you like, and I certainly hope he does what is right, and I support him, but let's not kid ourselves as to reality. Any president could rise to the occasion, any president could fall flat on his face. We really can't tell until it actually happens, and then we just have to hold our breath and hope for the best.

  • nowaytess

    We have the first President with an MBA from Harvard. It is the first President who does have a degreee for Business. I trust God has taken a person whom may not seem eligant or educated but Jehovah can use them.

    I Live in Florida. I shook my head during the election mess. I did not see mass discrimation at the polls. Since I am Jewsih, I had a very hard time for an educated Jew to puch a ballot wrong or be confused. My family would know down to the penny on a price, tip or deal.

    We got a sample ballot in the mail, but no one complained. Plus they did a recount a few months lated after the whole thing was over, Bush still won, but very little was made about it in the Main Stream press.

    Sorry, but Main Stream Press are Liberal biased.

    My fear about Gore would have been concern to public presure of him giving in to the public for immediate military action. I admire Bush the fact we have not just gone in there and indiscrimatly take action just to appease our anger for the moment.

    <A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>

  • Seeker
    We have the first President with an MBA from Harvard. It is the first President who does have a degreee for Business. I trust God has taken a person whom may not seem eligant or educated but Jehovah can use them.

    Well, I don't think God uses politicians, or even blesses one country over another, so here we will clearly never see eye to eye but will have to just respect the other person's point-of-view. As for Bush's record in school and in business, he failed to distinguish himself in either way. I'm hoping that for the first time in his life he will rise to the occasion and exceed expectations. The country deserves to have something like that happen after what we've been through.

    I Live in Florida. I shook my head during the election mess. I did not see mass discrimation at the polls. Since I am Jewsih, I had a very hard time for an educated Jew to puch a ballot wrong or be confused. My family would know down to the penny on a price, tip or deal.

    You and your family are not typical of all humans. We come in all sizes, shapes, and abilities. I'm glad you could handle the ballot; not everyone did, especially some of those elderly Jews For Buchanan in Palm Beach County. Doesn't matter, because the law is the law, and they should have complained sooner, but just because you weren't confused it doesn't mean others weren't. Um, what does any of this have to do with Bush's ability to lead?

    We got a sample ballot in the mail, but no one complained. Plus they did a recount a few months lated after the whole thing was over, Bush still won, but very little was made about it in the Main Stream press.

    On the contrary, a big deal was made about it. I read lots of stories about it.

    Sorry, but Main Stream Press are Liberal biased.

    Well, evidently you missed that coverage, so perhaps you are reading what you want to read and ignoring the stuff that bothers your political views? I dunno, I don't know you at all, and I don't want to cast aspersions. But I read all about the later recounts in the "liberal" press.

    I know that conservatives have been trumpeting this liberal press idea for decades. There was a time when it was correct. That time is over for the most part because corporations are conservative by their very nature, and they control the news now.

    My fear about Gore would have been concern to public presure of him giving in to the public for immediate military action. I admire Bush the fact we have not just gone in there and indiscrimatly take action just to appease our anger for the moment.

    Ah, interesting. Yes, OK, I can see that concern. One of the big problems of the Clinton/Gore administration was their willingness to rule by poll, something that is creeping into all politics, and is a trend I hate. So I'm with you on this one.

    On the other hand, since we don't even know who our target is yet fully, and Bush isn't telling anyone yet, not even our allies, it may not be as clear-cut a target as we would like, which means even a cowboy president might have been forced to wait, no matter what the public wanted.

    Thanks for explaining your views in more detail.

  • teejay

    Seeker, my opinion of you grows everyday.


    very interesting thread.

    Just my 2cents, and I think it's already been said. I didn't like the 'with us or against us' bit of Bush's speech. I am against the terrorist's, but does that automatically mean I'm for whatever Bush decides to do. What is he going to do?...bomb me for not being a 'yes' man?

    I was listening to Geoffrey Robertson, a lawyer who recently wrote a book on international law and human rights violations. He says that the U.S. should drop this 'declaration of war' rhetoric and use a more a appropriate term like 'crime against humanity'. That the U.S. should also go before the UN security council for approval of any military action and bring bin-Laden before the Hague. This 'War' talk is what bin-Laden wants...he's got his Jihad now.
    I cant see America winning this 'war on terrorism' without some big changes to policy in the Mid-east either. The fundamentalist groups over there feed off the unease and suffering experienced by arabs and they just wont stop because the U.S. is dropping bombs. To the contrary, they'll just evolve to fit the situation with the added bonus that they will only have more reason to carry out there terrorist actions.
    There are other things the U.S. can do to fight terrorism. Bush, in his speech said he was going to attack the problem from many different angles...whatever that means, probably just more bombs i fear. But, he has already created this Homeland security thing...who knows where thats going to lead. Separate the Cockpit of the plane from the Passengers is an obvious one. There will also probably be a big push for the missile defence program now, despite the fact that it would probably be pretty impotent against terrorist attack. They'll just put the bomb in a suitcase or a ryder truck rather than a warhead.

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