Can Someone Explain Horror Movies?

by onesong 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • esw1966

    I heard it said on the news that during 'critical times hard to deal with' that people enjoy watching something scarier than they are experiencing in regular life so that the things they see on the news don't worry them as much.

    They are then able to say, well, it could be WORSE!

    Being able to get scared and leave it enables them to be stronger with reality thinking everything will be okay.

    I personally stay away from them. I don't need any more horror in MY life. I look for comedy or nature.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    It's simple really. The more dead they are, the more alive you are.

    Sort of validates ones existence. You can say to yourself, "Well, at least I didn't get cleaved in two by that axe."

    Sick really.


  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    The title "Horror Movie" says it all. People want to see gore.--(not Al Gore). The different tastes and excitement and rush of fear is like a drug to many------how sad!. It would seem to me that the pain and suffering in the world today would be enough for everyone. Perhaps, people are being desensitized for future events..? Anyhow, some of these "horror" stories ARE true...........

  • Dismembered

    Greetings again onesong,

    I too, have never been able to watch blatant gore movies. They turn my stomach. Especially when there are children involved.

    I remember back in the early 70's going to movies such as Mark Of The Devil & Last House on The Left. As a marketing ploy, patrons who entered the theaters to watch them, were handed vomit bags along with their tickets. It was sick.


  • gaiagirl

    In general, I don't like horror films, have never seen Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday 13th, etc, but a SMART horror film can be good. In these, the blood, etc, are not gratuitous, but there only where necessary. One of the best horror films ever made was the original 1973 "Wicker Man", with NO blood, severed body parts, etc. Instead, there is a creeping feeling of unease which gradually builds until the end. Similarly, I don't usually watch gangster films, but someone loaned me "Pulp Fiction", and although it contained scenes of extreme violence, it was not ABOUT those things, but rather about people and the choices they made under very difficult situations. I've never seen anyone in any film behave in a more heroic manner than Bruce Willis in "Pulp Fiction".

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    Where's crumpet when you need her ? No seriously, there are different levels of horror I guess, I went to see one (cant remember the name now) about a mutated(?) guy living in the sewer near the underground (subway), I watched some of it but had to walk out as it was just gross for the sake of it. First time i've ever walked out of the movies - bet people thought I was a dub lol

    CS 101

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I like them if they are well done fantasy type movies like the old ones done by Universal such as Frankenstein, Dracula, The Wolf Man. A lot of Stephen King books make good horror movies. I don't like them if they have no story and nothing more than some psycho running around slashing people to death. A good example of a great horror movie is " The Company of Wolves". It has a very surreal nightmarish quality to it.

  • lonelysheep

    I don't know...that's one thing I haven't been able to do since studying w/the dubs. I still don't watch horror movies although I used to love them!

    I couldn't get past the first 5 minutes of The Grudge. The Ring made me have nightmares.

    Perhaps I'm just in need of someone's arm to hang on to as I watch.

  • Finally-Free

    I watched horror movies when I was in my early twenties, mostly because that's what my friends wanted to see, so I went along with it. I don't have any interest in them at all now. If I want to see something scary I can look into my bankbook or refrigerator.

    Rocco, my bird doesn't like horror movies either, and I don't want to get a lip bitten off if he gets startled. He seems to like cartoons and spaghetti westerns.


  • luna2

    I don't get it either, onesong. Horror movies are like torture to me. My ex used to drag me to them occassionally and I'd sit there with my eyes closed, sick to my stomach. Longest hours of my life, I swear.

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