Big changes after the new tract?

by Matt_fs 36 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Matt_fs

    One of my JW friends who still talks to me said this was the last tract that will be released from the faithfull discreet slave and that after the tract has been released there will be some major changes and for everyone not to be affraid. Does anyone have an idea of what this might be?

    This gets me a little curious!



  • Arthur

    This question has been discussed, speculated upon, and batted about ad naseum. Most of us have reached the conclusion that this was just a rumor. Nothing more.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    It's most likely just a publicity stunt by the gb to keep the members they still have on their toes. If they do make changes, it'll be nothing new under the sun, as usual.

  • greendawn

    It means nothing at all just like all their past pronouncements about the imminence of the end (keeping that haunting sense alive) and dramatic events that are about to happen, it is just another mind trick to keep the dubs on edge and motivated ten years after they admitted that the end may be centuries away.

  • R6Laser
    It's most likely just a publicity stunt by the gb to keep the members they still have on their toes. If they do make changes, it'll be nothing new under the sun, as usual.

    Publicity stunt by the gb? It seems more like a publicity stunt by posters in this forum. Where have you been living? Nothing has changed, every year there is a new campaign or new book or literature out. This has never changed.

    Also the WTS has 'always' been preaching about the end of the world being very near. This has never changed, and will never change. So to them its really not a big deal. Its only a big deal to bitter posters in this forum who have to make every single little thing into another "Big Announcement", or "Big Changes" thread. And as usual those threads start by someone stating that they have a relative or family that told them that the wts said so and so. I don't know how some of you think that is reliable information, but I guess it just comes from leaving a life of being fooled by the wts for so long.

  • fullofdoubtnow
    Its only a big deal to bitter posters in this forum

    You should know RGLaser, you are one of the most bitter posters on here. Get a life, for goodness sake.

    btw I was merely replying to Matt, who has little or no experience of jw tactics, and was curious about the alleged "big changes", that we all know won't be big, and not much of a change either. Read the posts properly, and stop nit picking, you'll be much happier.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    R6Laser -

    Looks like Matt's rumor has come from a witness. And contrary to your silly notion that things of this nature 'are no big deal to them', witnesses are fueled by this sort of rumor. It keeps them seeking and waiting for an impossible dream.

    There may or may not be an announcement - but this idea clearly came from an 'insider'.


  • blondie

    In what WTS publication did you read that this is the last tract???? Hmmm? It doesn't count even if you heard a GB member say it an assembly. The WTS says that the WT is the means by which the FDS dispenses spiritual food not some rumor whether it be from your lips, the lips of an elder, CO, DO, or GB member. Fred Franz would regularly drop bombs at conventions that the WT admin would have to back pedal.

    Does this mean that the preaching work of JWs is finished? That no more will they go door to door? Does this mean that God has given the FDS the date, hour, year of beginning of the "end"?

    *** w95 8/1 p. 16 par. 10 Taught by Jehovah Down Till This Day ***

    This magazine, TheWatchtowerAnnouncingJehovah’sKingdom, is the principal instrument employed by the "slave" in the teaching work. However, other publications are also used, including books, booklets, brochures, tracts, and the Awake! magazine.


  • NeonMadman

    Yes, there will be a major change. This is the last tract that will be published. Future releases of literature in formats of this type will be called "leaflets." This will reduce the likelihood of their being confused with parcels of land. This is Jehovah's way of simplifying the work, since the time is so short.

  • ballistic
    Future releases of literature in formats of this type will be called "leaflets."

    Perhaps they got fed up with us calling them "The Witchtower Babble and Crap Society"?

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