Buddhism, Taoism, Meditation, and any other Non-Christian Journeys...

by exjdub 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gretchen956

    Here's what I have accepted along my journey... Not anyone or any religion has the lock on truth. Not any religion or lack there-of has all the answers. So I study many things, some buddhist, some wiccan, some christian, some others. I bounce the ideas off my life philosophy and feel free to accept some and reject some or most. Welcome to my own path, my own religion. Problem? It only works for me. I would not ask you to believe it or try to convince you of it's truth.

    I can say that the greatest joy for me lies on the path or journey. I really believe no one "arrives" at the answer, if you arrive you quit looking. If you quit seeking your mind is no longer open to knew ideas. Stagnation is not growth. Beware of ANYONE christian, athiest, agnostic, pagan, or anyone else that tells you what to believe or that calls you stupid for following your own path of spirituality.

    Blessings on your path.


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