Holy spirit my ass!!!

by unbeliever 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunspot

    Funny....Last night I saw this "Holy Spirit my ass" posted by "unbeliever" and decided not to read it...I changed my mind this morning! What a surprise to see what it was actually about!

    One other thing I find ironic is the amount of xjw's that know about his double life and his antics. Anyone of them could blow him out of the water at anytime. He knows they won't because that would be something a JW would do. His JW friends would turn him in in a heartbeat but he feels he is above xjws. What a joke.

    The real joke is on him because he doesn't realize just how fast this charade of his can come crashing down around him while he's feeling so smug.

  • Dismembered
    Re: Holy spirit my ass!!!

    Remember the ranks of the unpaid volunteers are shriveling up. Consequently the 'Holy Spirit My Ass', has no choice but to appoint two faced sneaks. It's happening all over. Who the hell else will mow the lawn, take out the bathroom trash, vacuum the rug and polish the chairs. Not MerryMaids, that's for sure.


  • Zico

    I know a guy who does everything right, but he has a powerful enemy, and sources tell us the enemy has often put the blockers on him getting appointed.

    When he complains I say 'Maybe the Holy Spirit is guiding him? The Holy Spirit guides all appointments right?'

    That always gets him a bit annoyed!

  • under_believer

    Every time I read this thread title, it sounds like a line from a really bad Christian-oriented porn movie.

  • blondie

    Holy spirit and an ass made me think of this:

    (Numbers 22:26-31) 26 Jehovah’s angel now passed by again and stood in a narrow place, where there was no way to turn aside to the right or the left. 27 When the ass got to see Jehovah’s angel she now lay down under Ba´laam; so that Ba´laam’s anger blazed, and he kept beating the ass with his staff. 28Finally Jehovah opened the mouth of the ass and she said to Ba´laam: "What have I done to you so that you have beaten me these three times?"29 At this Ba´laam said to the ass: "It is because you have dealt ruthlessly with me. If only there were a sword in my hand, for now I should have killed you!" 30Then the she-ass said to Ba´laam: "Am I not your she-ass that you have ridden upon all your life long until this day? Have I ever been used to do to you this way?" To which he said: "No!"31 And Jehovah proceeded to uncover Ba´laam’s eyes, so that he saw Jehovah’s angel stationed in the road with his drawn sword in his hand. At once he bowed low and prostrated himself on his face.

    If God can use a real ass and a female one at that, I suppose the WTS can appoint a few asses too, and male ones at that.


  • parakeet

    candidly: "he'll probably clean up his act for a short while and then get sneakier about what he does do, so as not to get caught"

    That's right. And when he finally does get caught, it'll hit the papers if it's serious enough, and then we'll read about it here.

    Almost every day we're reading about some JW or another getting caught out in a crime. Makes me wonder about how many are still getting away with it.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro


    That's great. I literally laughed out loud. The sad thing is that I can see a JW using that example to excuse the fact that a person who is practicing gross sin is appointed.

  • unbeliever
    That's right. And when he finally does get caught, it'll hit the papers if it's serious enough, and then we'll read about it here.

    He doesn't do anything illegal as far as I know. He's a womanizer at worst. It would not surprise me if he gets a woman pregnant one of these days and he gets hit with a paternity suit. That is the closest he will come to the courts.

  • myelaine

    "If God can use a real ass and a female one at that, I suppose the WTS can appoint a few asses too, and male ones at that."

    dear Blondie...

    it's no secret that a real fine she-ass has the ability to bring assholes out of the woodwork...or so I'm told

    love michelle

  • katiekitten

    I dont know how you can hold your tongue. But I suppose turning him in is such a JW thing to do, and also would they beleive you as an Ex JW? And also turning him in would be like playing their game by their rules.

    I dont know how he can do all that stuff and his conscience not bother him. I think that kind of double life damages the person themselves at some level. Having to be deceitful to everyone all the time has got to be damaging.

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