Are we all gonna die?

by kittyeatzjdubs 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • daystar
    Don't believe the hype!

    To remain balanced, I'll add to butters' sentiment to say that Republicans are not the only party to "hype". That party just happens to engender the most vitriol at the moment.

    My response was that N. Korea doubtfully has the missile range to reach the U.S. But this indicates that they may:

    But otherwise, butters has a good point. Governments and politicians will always make sure that there is something to be afraid of. It's a method for control.

  • AlmostAtheist

    Hey JoJo,

    Setting aside the fact that North Korea hasn't surmounted all the obstacles in getting a nuke-capable missile that can go all the way over here, there's another matter that will stay their hand.

    If they nuke us, we gotta nuke them. They have a couple, we have a whole arsenal. By the time their missiles have failed due to whatever technical problems they encounter, ours will have already been launched toward PyongYang. And they know it.

    Or rather, HE knows it. He's nutty looking and nutty acting, but Kim knows he'll get an assload of nukes if he launches one over here. So he won't.

    As another poster said, he would more likely bang around on some local US interest. Local to him, that is.


  • Forscher

    Kim Jon-il still has some pretty large hurdles to overcome before he can be a credible threat to anything other than our ports.

    The failure of his last long-range missle test highlights the fact that he just doesn't have the capability yet to deliver his nuclear weapons over here with any reliability. Of course that doesn't mean he can't put one on board a North Korean freighter and explode it in one of ports, unless they are forbidden entry to one. Perhaps we should follow Japan's lead and deny him that vector if we already haven't.

    Still, his nuclear blast was a fizzle, which means he has alot of work to do in that area before he has a credible weapon to threaten us with. He also has to perfect his delivery system. So we still have a tiny bit of wiggle room left, though that is fast disappearing. What you might want to worry about is hamstrining our current president by giving his critics a majority in Congess at this critical juncture. Dick morris, who used to be a top political advisor to Clinton, has been pointing out the danger of late in doing that. And he is one fellow who is more than credible enough to listen to on these matters. His point is that if the Democrats take back the majority, they will hamstring the president by starting all sorts of politically motivated "investigations" in the House, and Senate if they win that too, and will have all the presidents advisors so busy going before Congressional committees that they wil be powerless to do anything about problems like Kim Jong-Il.

    While all the die-hard Bush critics around here may see that as a positive thing (and I am sure we will see plenty of posts to that effect from that peanut gallery), the effect wil be to leave the United States totally powerless for at least the next few years to have any power to affect the outcome of the current world crisis afforded by Korea and Iran's ambitions. How anyone could possibly consider that as positive is a mystery to me!


  • Life Is Grand
    Life Is Grand

    I think it's good to know what is going on in the world-but there comes a point where you have to shut the news off and just say, "What will be will be". The bottom line is that it is not in yours or my hands and you can drive yourself crazy wondering "what if?"...


  • OICU8it2

    No, if you vote Republican. Yes if you vote Democrat. If you vote Democrat you vote on Wednesday; If republican, Tuesday.

  • Sunspot
    For one thing, there is nothing you can do about it.


    Maybe others would look at my views and say that I'm putting my head in the sand. They might be right.

    I do not worry any more, about bombs, Armageddon, terrorists, or bad spinach. I have lived through horrendous car wrecks that should have killed me (gotten thrown clear out of the back seat of a car on a thruway)

    and have survived many surgeries (like last summer) where I damn near died and never knew a thing about it until days later,

    and have experienced far more than I would have liked to if I had planned my life if I could....

    I am reasonably sure that somebody who has an "eye" on this behavior, will have already been "on it" before we see it on CNN. (Talking about humans--not God)

    My point IS, that I can't be bothered to get overly concerned about ANYTHING that I have no control over! I try and take care of myself with what little resources I have left in the "good health" column, and I don't throw caution to the wind to let things fall where they may.

    I try to be sensible and to face things as they thing at a time...

    Worrying about what someone in North Korea is doing and how it might affect ME----doesn't make it on my list of things to even think about.

    Please don't waste your time, mind and worries on what some guy might do in the future....



  • Warlock

    With Chinese and Russian technology???? Give me a break.


  • Vormek 4.20
    Vormek 4.20

    The world wouldn't end anyway. We detonated Nukes for test purposes in Nevada all the time in the 50s and 60s. It would be bad for the city that got hit but the destruction of Nukes is a bit overblown. Keep in mind that the hysteria over the world ending during the cold war was due to the fact that a war between the US and Soviets could have resulted in Thousands of missilesbeing detonated all over the Northern Hemisphere each hundreds of times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb. N. Korea's 'bomb' was possibly in the 1KT range. Thats 1/20th the size of Hiroshima.

    If he did manage to get one bomb into an American city, we still have hundreds of minuteman missiles that could be retargeted for Pyonyang in a matter of minutes.I dont think the N Korean leadership is suicidal. They're bluffing to get bargaining leverage.

  • Butters

    Something tells Vormek is not really 100 years old and from Zimababwe. Also, Kitty, is that an acutal photo? Meeeeeoowwwwww... You are a cutie pie.

  • juni

    I agree w/sweet Annie who has been through so much. Live each day and enjoy it. The stress of worrying about what may or may not happen is stressfull. Stress can kill.

    I still feel though that China will at some point step in as they're making headway in the world market. And from the diagram they are within a target area so they have reason to be concerned.

    I have a question: Is that "Star Wars" military program in affect by the US? Just curious. I never knew if it got off the ground because of politics. Shows how much I follow the news and politics.

    I remember growing up during the Korean War conflict. When I was little I was scared to death of anyone w/slanted eyes!! Isn't that typical of a kid?


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