It's been a while since the last Orwell thread. We went to a great play of 1984 last night. Poor Winston, surrounded by insanity, forcing himself to learn that two plus two could be four, or five, or three, or all of them at once; whatever Big Brother says, to be allowed to live. They had to throw in a bit of dark comedy to distract from the trauma of it. It hurt to watch.
There are a lot of themes in Orwell's books that touch ex-JWs or recovering JWs deeply. If it's been a few years since you read them in school, give them another go. I read the lot at the same time that Mr Frass was waiting for an answer re marriage. They really stretched my horizons - every character faces a situation where they have to keep their thoughts and emotions to themselves, and every one of them betrays themselves. They're heartbreaking, overwhelming and finally inspiring. If you think there's no way out for you, read George Orwell. You'll find a way.