Orwell's 1984 online

by VM44 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • VM44

    There have been many comparisons of the Watchtower Society with
    the society depicted in George Orwell's novel "1984." In this novel
    Orwell introduced the terms "doublespeak", "groupthink", and "thoughtcrime"
    which have been aptly applied to the thinking processes of well
    trained JWs.

    Well, if anyone wants to download and read 1984 for themselfs, it is
    available, along with some other books, at:

    [ http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Rotunda/3444/ct-books.html]

    Orwell's "Animal Farm" is there as well.

    Here are some articles comparing the WTS with 1984.

    "The Orwellian Thinking of Jehovah's Witnesses," by AlanF
    [ http://www.geocities.com/osarsif/end2.htm]

    "1984 and Big Mother," by Randall Watters
    [ http://www.freeminds.org/history/1984.htm]

    Over at Amazon.com, there is this book:

    "The Orwellian World of Jehovah's Witnesses,"
    by Heather Botting,
    [ http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0802065457/qid=1013816024/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/102-9245129-3816903]

    --VM44 (reading class)

  • JCanon
    Airstrip One is part of the vast political entity Oceania, which is eternally at war with one of two other vast entities, Eurasia and Eastasia. At any moment, depending upon current alignments, all existing records show either that Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia and allied with Eastasia, or that it has always been at war with Eastasia and allied with Eurasia. Winston Smith knows this, because his work at the Ministry of Truth involves the constant "correction" of such records. "'Who controls the past,' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.'"


    Now, the IAO has removed its eye-death-ray logo, which was denounced far and wide as being Orwellian, Masonic, and just plain creepy as hell.


    The entire movie is available on "You Tube" apparently. This is the opening screen when the movie starts.

    The statement is very "Illuminati" and reflects what is going on NOW with trying to make the revisions of ancient history, say during the Persian Period appear to be true when it is false, in contradiction to the Bible. Now some are claiming it is the Bible that has been revised and not so much ancient history. But it underscores the concept that if you change enough old records, you can "control the past." The scam about Jerusalem's fall in 587BCE is part of this scheme to create a false past. Only now we have far too much evidence about the revisionism and even astronomical texts confirming the original dating!!! So it's a great attempt but it's not working. At least not on the thinking public. Orwell divided everybody into two groups, those who think and those who are brainwashed by the media.

    The JW organization has been considered quite "Orwellian" as well, attempting to control the minds of its members. Quite a bit scary is the recent announcement that they will have their own JW-only Watchtower, which will alternate with one they will share with the public! Definitely Orwellian since a key factor in controlling minds is limiting access and isolation.

    The Illuminati, who controls the present is now trying to control the past.

    I couldn't find a direct reference as to whether Orwell was a Freemason or not, but his books are a key element in a lot of Illuminati and Freemasonry context.

    Quite interesting.

    Nice post.


  • heathen

    If you go to thoms chat he has the movie you can watch .LOL Richard Burton is big brother ....

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