Masturbation is a Gift From Jehovah (Stupid Awake 11/06)

by metatron 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Does that title sound blasphemous? Well, I'm sorry if it does - but who ever imagines what the world would be like if sexual urges

    could not be satisfied by oneself? Think about it.

    How about daily rape? How about men and women who go insane? How about suicide of anyone isolated? How about a

    total collapse of morality? How about a human race that never progresses past the Stone Age? (see James 1:17)

    Consider how unique sexual self arousal must be: can you make your heart stop by thinking about it? Can you trigger any gland

    at will? What other physiological feedback loop works this way?

    and finally, if you find nothing unusual about this ability, please consider:

    Can you tickle yourself? No? Well, then I guess you better be thankful that masturbation doesn't follow the same pattern

    or a lot of people would go nuts!

    Yes, folks - it's yet another Awake for Morons


  • Kudra

    Jesus f*&%n' christ.

    Rape is NOT the satisfaction of a sexual urge.

    It is about domination and control.

    Done by powerless fucking cowards.

  • under_believer

    I'm a bit confused. Metatron, can you please explain what you're talking about?

  • Mr. Kim
  • calico

    I have to agree with kudra about rape

  • outoftheorg

    A few years ago I read in a medical magazine, that an investigation was made about masturbation and its results.

    They gathered two groups of similar, grown men. One was made up of men that were in the merchant marine. They determined that there was a higher amount of men with prostate problems within this group and "don't ask me how" that few of these men masturbated. Being at sea for long times they, had less sexual activity than usual.

    The other group were not mariners and were sexually active. This group had a lower percentage of prostate problems than group #1.

    The result was, that they recomended that merchant mariners masturbate while at sea, as a way to a healthy prostate.


    I think what Metatron is trying to say, is that with out the physical ability to masterbate, there would be more rapes and unwanted sexual attacks due to not having masterbation as a way for relief.

  • metatron

    Well, if we are the product of an intelligent Creator, he must have designed things so that sexual desires couldn't become so extreme

    that chaos would result. Rather than obsessing with it as a sin ( as guilt mongers like the Awake does), we might see a higher purpose

    in it, in keeping humans out of trouble.

    As for rape, it should be clear if you can understand my reasoning that if sexual desires could not be alleviated apart from intimate

    contact with another person, forcible sexual assault would be become endemic ( can you say "anomie") , domination or not.

    The world is better off because of this "sin". The Watchtower loves to bring it up to enslave people with guilt. Concerned with domination?

    Indeed, you should be!


  • truthsetsonefree

    I can see where metatron is going with that. Of course, for rape, it takes more than just sexual drive. But the pent up tension would show up in some way it would seem.

  • SickofLies

    Ok this pic was ripped from and older post but who cares


  • What-A-Coincidence
    they recomended that merchant mariners masturbate while at sea

    good to know...i'll stay out of there area then

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