JWs Stopped By!!

by RichieRich 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • love2Bworldly

    Richie--you are awesome! And I might add a very popular guy on this board, which should give your ego a boost.

    IQuit--hilarious! Wish I would have thought of that!!!------....To bad you didn't have a bowl of Halloween candy by the door you could have put some in their book bags.

  • bubble

    Nice one bruv!! LMAO.

  • crazyblondeb

    Way to go!! Happy Halloween to you and everyone else!!


  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    LOLOLO!! Richie, you crack me up!!


    Lady Liberty

  • misspeaches

    this will give them something to gossip about each morning at the coffee shop (break time from witnessing) for a good month!

    I can just hear the typical JW response now however...

    'would you just look at that. what a shame. the world has gotten to young richie rich so quickly. his poor mother. you can see how bad the influence of the world is...'

    They will say and think it. That's the way they have been trained.

  • Spectre

    They had the wrong door alright! heh-heh

  • snarf

    you are sooooo bad, i love it! keep up the good work....lol.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    YO Richie! That was freakin awesome!!!

    Next time get it on cam!!!

    Dang, we need a reinactment!!!

    Good for ya richie! Wac is proud!

  • oldflame

    That was so cool I laughed my ass off. They were on the property today that I manage, I asked them if they were solicitors ( I knew who they were) they said no they were out teaching others about the bible. I got pissed because I knew that the real truth was they were teaching others about their cult. So I told them that they were trespassing and told them to leave now. I never seen two men run like scared little chickens. I smiled for awhile afterwards thinking "Got you suckers"

  • Pwned

    that was mean and ur an attention whore

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