Going to Kingdom Halls on Holiday

by solo 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • solo

    Did anyone attend meetings when they were on holiday?

    My parents used to find out where the local Kingdom Hall was and drag us along to the Sunday meeting when we went on holidays. Did anyone else have to ensure this torture?

    They even went to the extremes of doing this when we went to Europe, so we would be at some Greek Kingdom Hall - could not understand one bl**dy word during the meeting or afterwards. My parents admitted that it was impossible to understand but the reason we were there was to experience Jehovah's presence!

  • garybuss

    Our vacations were going to district assemblies. We drove 6 people in a jalopy from South Dakota to New York city to sit on wood benches for 8 days. It was hell!

  • 5thGeneration

    Normal hypocracy here.

    My family did the evil "take a vacation from the truth" thing.

    We would go away for 3 weeks and go once so we could bring the love back.

    My Dad was P.O. though so we all never talked about it when we got home. LOL

  • Kudra


    You're the one who writes "Armageddon Oakies", correct?

    They were one of the few pieces of written comedy that made me laugh out loud for large portions of the story. You have this subtle ...something. ??? It just captures the essence of the dubs (especially back woods ones -I've experienced a few...) SO well.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    I used to go if I was on holiday in the UK to at least one meeting while I was away, but on the rare occasions I went abroad, I wouldn't have gone to a meeting if the kh had been next door to the hotel. It was nice to have a rest from the boredom.

  • juni

    Only once! And NEVER AGAIN. Vacation time is for not having a schedule. That helps a person to relax. Of course, that is not the WT way. They want to make sure you don't miss a meeting. To quote them, "We should not go on vacation from Jehovah." Ahhhh. The old guilt trip.



    Gary said:

    Our vacations were going to district assemblies. We drove 6 people in a jalopy from South Dakota to New York city to sit on wood benches for 8 days. It was hell!

    Those 8 days of torture were before my time. We had the 5 day ass. in the ' 70s. God it was awful and then with little kids. And before good disposable diapers.

    Think of all of the horror stories to be told. I guess they weren't as bad as crossing rivers w/alligators though.


  • garybuss

    You're the one who writes "Armageddon Oakies", correct?

    Yup! :-)

  • jayhawk1

    Yes, once as a kid, my parents decided to go to a Misouri Kingdom Hall near Branson. All I remember from that day was getting spanked outside of the Kingdom Hall after the Sunday meeting ended.

  • Poztate
  • gwyneth

    Every other year during the 80's, we would spend two weeks in Canada for the summer.

    We would attend the Perth, Ontario congregation. My sister and I met the most absolutely beautiful boy there named Craig Mindus (he reminded me of Carey Elwes, back during his "Lady Jane" days. Blonde, with pouty lips.)

    We invited him to our cottage after Sunday meetings to have lunch with us and ride the motorboat to the "island" in the middle of the lake. We would write him for two years until the next visit.

    Just look at what we would have missed if we had taken the attitude that we were "on vacation from Jehovah!"

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