Is it possible for someone to "Love being a JW"?

by JH 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • 5thGeneration

    Weird question

  • JH

    Good answer

  • 5thGeneration

    Weird question.

    Of course a majority of Jehovah's Witnesses love being Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Asking that question makes no sense to me whatsoever.

  • JH
    Of course a majority of Jehovah's Witnesses love being Jehovah's Witnesses.

    That's the most stupid answer I ever heard on JWD !!!!

    I say most JW's don't like being JW's.

  • JH

    Many just want to follow their parents or family or spouse, or do it for the new system.

    But to actually LOVE being a JW, it's certainly not the majority.

  • lovelylil

    I think what the Jdubs like is feeling superior to everyone else. But for most of them the stress of the meetings, service, and works, works, works, gets to them after a while and then they start to hate it. At this point they usually self medicate with alchohol (huge problem for many I knew) or depression medications and put on a fake smile. But you can see that in their faces - there is not much real joy. Lilly

  • JH

    Like you said on the other thread

    As a current fader I can say I have always feared the elders and the Society more

    Doesn't sound that you loved being a JW.

  • 5thGeneration
    I say most JW's don't like being JW's.

    Well, that's the most stupid answer I've ever heard on JWD!

    Just because you were a lump when you were a publisher doesn't mean "most" JWs don't like their routines being part of the organization. I'll point to the thousands of people I've know in my life that are just as zealous as I remember they were 20 years ago. Unless of course they are still just faking it! LOL

  • 5thGeneration

    My response had nothing to do with me personally.

    However, now that you bring it up, when I was active and serving and pioneering, of course I loved being in the truth. Why the hell else would I have done it if I didn't believe it completely?

  • 5thGeneration

    Ahh! Good 'ol fashion mature debate!

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