Clergy and Dog Collars

by brutusmaximus 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • VM44

    I think this thread has deviated off topic! --VM44

  • brutusmaximus

    Thanks for the replies, I still don't like them though. I hate the I'm better than you attitude they have but I guess that can happen in all religions no matter what they wear



  • Fe2O3Girl

    BM - Are you sure they have a superior attitude? Could this be a trace of leftover JW programming?

  • LittleToe

    Most of the Ministers I know are the humblest of people. The clerical collar is just a uniform, much as the police or army wear. Personally I now like it, and would wear it if I were a Minister.

  • brutusmaximus

    Hi FE

    I think they do yes but you'll notice I said not just those with collars but many others have that lord it over attitude even elder bods in the borg

    Don't get me wrong there are some who are very nice, I have two ministers who stay nearby one doesn't wear a collar just shirt, tie and is very down to earth. Then there is an older chap who wears his collar whenever poss and seems to enjoy the addoration that sometimes brings.

    Thankfully the "programming" is all but dead, I think for myself now but thanks for asking


  • funkyderek


    The clerical collar is just a uniform, much as the police or army wear. Personally I now like it, and would wear it if I were a Minister.



  • LittleToe


    Then there is an older chap who wears his collar whenever poss and seems to enjoy the addoration that sometimes brings.

    That seems a very subjective observation. Is the collar really a causal factor?


  • Sunspot

    I think the collars they wear are more of a "custom thing" than an "attitude thing". They may be those who think they're "all that" but I don't feel it's the general rule.

    My goodness....when you think about it...don't the JWs take home the biggest award when it comes to the "we are God's chosen people and completely superior to ALL OTHER religions" category?

  • brutusmaximus

    Police, firemen etc wear uniforms for work so why don't the ministers just wear theirs on a Sunday? They don't though they wear it going to Asda etc, why? So people remark there's a priest, minister etc. If they didn't have it on they would be just Joe Bloggs.

    I'm glad the ones you know are humble, I too know humble ones but have to say find as many who are not

    You find them in all religions, but no where in the scriptures does it say to be a man of God you have to wear the "uniform" clothe yourselves in love thats the key but you can't get that off the peg



  • LittleToe

    Is a Minister only such when in a pulpit?

    Believe it or not it's a 24/7 pastoral job - and at least they get training, rather than being untrained janitors!

    IMHO it's better than chapping doors on a Saturday morning, too!

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