Cult Fighters are short sighted fools

by proplog2 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • proplog2


    Cult is simply a four letter word. I have seen nothing scientific in connection with the application of that word. Even cult fighters admit that the word is "loaded". The list of questions suggested for defining "cult" are constructed in a way that produces a dichotomous typology rather than continuous variation along various dimensions. This is not science. Come up with a scale of at least 7 degrees on each of the dimensions you feel identify a cult. For example LEVEL OF CONTROL, OBEDIENCE TO SINGLE LEADER, DEGREE OF ISOLATION etc.

    Next examine various religious and secular organizations and rate them all based on "facts" based on published policy or actual practice as determined by both people in the organizations and people who have left. Then create a profile of various organizations.

    You might even want to do some multivariate analysis to see what the essential factors are. Then publish your results in a reputable journal of psychology or sociology. Then let's talk about cults. In the mean time we all have our opinions.

    At present "cult" is an almost useless label. In the case of JW's you have to consider the fact that the vast majority of the six million members are happy with their "religion".

    I meant this thread to be an opinion in response to all the non-sense that goes on here.

  • Tina

    Cult is not a'useless label". You obviously have never read any Singer,Lifton ,Zimbardo,and other scientists who have studied and qualified this phenomena. It HAS been analyzed. It HAS been in peer reviewed journals! Do your homework,some research ,before you blurt out inanities like that!
    6 million are happy? How do you KNOW this? On what statistical analysis do you base this on? Self reports/profiles? lol Your posts continue to show me you know nothing about behavioral and attitude modification and control.
    I've been reading your 'stuff' for a while,and you are nothing but a cult apologist! When one wades thru the pseudo-scholarly verbiage you use,it's glaringly obvious.

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

  • Abaddon


    You talk about loaded language and USE loaded language. You refuse to define a word, but instead count the number of letters and go on about what other people mean by it. I find you disingenuous and evasive.

    To prevent further fruitless posts where I ask you to define a word and you evade it, I will ask a simpler question you hopefully will answer in a straight-forward fashion.

    Are you saying it is bad to oppose high-control belief groups?

    By high-control group, I mean a group where there is strong conformiity to a list of identifiying characteristics; you are obviously familiar with this form of classification.

    When I go over such a list and examine a belief group, I do not simply regard it as a check-list, I actually do recognise there is a spectrum of conformity to each characteristic. I honestly thought that most people did this, along the lines of 'Q1, yup, they do that ALL the time, Q2, well, that's about half right, Q3, no, that's not often the case.'

    As such I would say that your use of the 'tool' provided in such a list is incorrect. You are the one imposing a dichotomous typology on a list that can provide a graded response for each characteristic in different hands.

    I cannot help but notice you choose to mention 'OBEDIENCE TO SINGLE LEADER'. I wonder if this is due to some apologistic tendancy on your part. It might show a tendancy towards black and white thinking (another high-vontrol group tendancy), as does your use of the list of high-control group characteristics discussed above.

    A high-control group does not in ANY way have to be dependant upon a single (charasmatic or otherwise) leader.

    As for your proposed study accross various religious and secular organizations, I think you are hiding from reason behind a cloak of scientifc enquiry, as you seem to have done from the start of this thread.

    You are refusing to even discuss the damage high-control groups do, waiting until the multitude of organisations that are obviously not 'high-control' are subjected to scrutiny that common sense indicates is unwarranted. You claim that until then it is a matter of opinion.

    Is it neccesary to scruntinise an entire town for characteristics of a murderer when someone is found standing over a corpse, holding a gun, with firing residue on their hands, a bullet from that gun in the corpse, and a stack of death threats written in the hand-writing of the person holding the gun to the dead person on the desk of the deceased?

    There are signs of a high control group that only someone with an agenda would wish to ignore. Or someone still influenced by or active in a high-control group.

    This is further indicated by your unfounded claim "the vast majority of the six million members are happy with their "religion"".

    You have the temerity to assert this after asking for a careful scientific analysis of whether the Boy Scouts of America et. al. are high-control groups? Where is your PROOF? Most of the people here were VERY unhappy as JW's, and know of others still there who are unhappy but haven't broken away. And the happiness of a member of a high-control group subject to quite stringent milleu control is a strange creature; be happy when you're meant to! It's a BLESSING, be happy! Smile at the brothers and sisters! Don't look at what the rest of the world is thinking or saying, you're right so be HAPPY!

    Given the above, I think that it is you who is talking "non-sense" (sic.), out of a mis-guided attempt at apologism for a high control group you probably have or have had ties to.

    Don't worry. Most of us have been through the stage you are going through now, the apologetic 'JW's are just another religion, they're very nice people' stage.

    If you conform to the experience of the majority here you will be playing a different tune in a few years time.

    All the best


    Keep on rocking in the free world...

  • DocBob
    At present "cult" is an almost useless label. In the case of JW's you have to consider the fact that the vast majority of the six million members are happy with their "religion".

    The happiness of its members says little about how benign or dangerous a religion is. I am sure that the vast majority of the members of the People's Temple were very happy with their religion, as are the members of the Church of Scientology, Hare Krishnas, Aum Shinrikyo and similar groups.


  • Kent
    Those who would like to stop the activities of cults may be doing great damage to the world in which their children and their descendents live. Social-diversity is every bit as important as bio-diversity.

    I'm sure Osama Bin Laden is grateful for your support!

    Yakki Da


    I need more BOE letters, KMs and other material. Those who can send it to me - please do! The new section will be interesting!!

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • Gopher

    This thread is getting way long.

    Proplog2, what was the original intent of posting this? Do you feel that the entire existence of this discussion board is an expression of narrow-mindedness and hate?

    Was this some attempt (even though it'd be a long shot) to convince people NOT to post to this board, or to only post "nice" things about JW's?

    You said the anti-cultists here are narrow-minded and displaying irrational hatred. It seems to me (after being both "inside" and "outside" the JW organization) that JW's are encouraged to be narrow-minded. And THEY themselves display hatred of anything "other-wordly". I view the complicated judicial system within JW's as harsh and displaying irrational hatred toward some of Christ's "sheep". By "complicated system", I mean all the man-made rules which surround the judicial procedures themselves, along with some of the bewildering reasons a person could find themselves targeted for some of that good ol' WT Society "justice".

    As was pointed out by others earlier in this thread, the very reason for the existence of this board is the pain inflicted by the man-made rules of the "organization" which claims that its hallmark is "Christlike love". Individuals here have tried to make sense of the quirky goings-on of the worldwide congregation, which does not come near to the ideal published for public consumption in the pages of the Watchtower magazine. Their reactions lead them to a new place in life, anywhere from non-JW Christianity to outright atheism, to everything in between. This is not the result of some "conspiracy", but rather normal human reaction to being "tossed about like sheep without a shepherd".

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • proplog2


    Zimbardo is probably the better source of information in the area
    of coercive persuasion. Years ago I found his research along with
    K.C. Montgomery on the effect of Food Deprivation on Exploratory
    Behavior in Rats to be very significant. I think that if you were
    to involve Zimbardo in this discussion he would agree with me that
    the application of the word "cult" might only apply to some extreme
    groups. He would also be sensitive to the "misuse" of his research
    as an excuse to gang up on new religions that mainstream religions
    feel have "stolen" their children.

    Singer is simply a clinical psychologist who works with people that
    are adjusting to life problems they allege resulted from their
    membership in a wacky religion. She makes a living at this
    specialty. But I am sure she has not done the exhaustive research
    that would be required to justify classifying various groups on a
    continuum of "dangerous religion".

    If there were such a convincing body of research I am sure the Cult
    Haters would readily quote it. All they come up with is the same
    old ambiguous check-list that is about as useful in understanding
    new religions as horoscopes are in understanding personality.
    Mostly the anti-cult crowd like to quote experience of cult

    Tina, I don't agree with some of the Watchtower teachings.
    Actually, I don't agree with a lot of their teachings. It is their
    teachings I attack not some imaginary "structure". The application
    of the word "cult" is an effort to get society at large to take
    legal action and do the dirty work of those who either fear the
    competition of new religions or are "victims" seeking some kind of

    Fortunately the hysterical scare of "cults" has diminished since
    its peak in the 70's and 80's. Europe's hysteria has lagged about
    10 years, but they are starting to emerge. Russia and the CIS
    countries are treating JW's like the Catholic Action groups did in
    the USA in the 30's and 40's.

    The anti-cult attitude pervades this board. One of the reasons is
    "victimology". Anti-cult rhetoric is comforting to ex-JW's because
    it assumes that, when they adopted and clung to their new religious
    life-style, they were not acting as free, responsible persons.

  • AMOS

    Wasn't aware from my readings that "there are JW haters here." I presume a JW means a person who supports the belief system of the WTB&S. Perhaps you are referring to haters of a religious organisation in the same manner some religions people attack Roman Catholicism, or the Church of England, Islam or any religion which is not one's own. It's certainly not my experience of the people I relate to - respect of the individual even though you don't hold the same views.

  • Tina

    Hi prop,
    I disagree with your opinion' anti-cult rhetoric is comforting as it regards to victimology...' This is an assumption,opinion,not a fact. You would have to interview each and everyone of us privately to make that a fact.
    I see us as survivors not victims. In sharing and dissenminating facts and experiences about this cult,it's basically a humanitarian effort. It has nothing to do with a victim mentality. It's simply prevention and intervention efforts. I don't know how you read the pejorative 'victim' into it. Victim imples helplessness,lack of choice and if anything these are strong people who made hard choices.
    Whether you believe in WTS tenets or not,you continue to portray us in a negative light,thus making youirself look like a cult apologist. You try to come off as objective but it doesn't work as you continue to defend the very issues and denigrate our positions. I have yet to see you objectively portray both sides here. You're obviously operating under a bias,and it shows. Tina

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

  • Abaddon

    proplog 2; Ah, I see your 'style'...

    It seems that is all you have to go on, as your failure to deal with issues raised in my responses to you seems to indicate you have little substance.

    No response to suggesting we avoid the term cult, as you seem fixated on this, and substitute it with high-control group.

    No response to the question;

    Are you saying it is bad to oppose high-control belief groups?

    No response to me musing on why you have avoided discussing the damage high-control groups do.

    No response to my pointing out any reasonable person would assign a level of conformity to each of the check-lists you take such issue with, rather than a 'yes' or 'no' answer.

    No response to the point made regarding your allegation that the majority of JW's are happy.

    No response to anything really, just posturing and evasion.

    If that were all, it would be bad enough, but;

    The anti-cult attitude pervades this board. One of the reasons is
    "victimology". Anti-cult rhetoric is comforting to ex-JW's because
    it assumes that, when they adopted and clung to their new religious
    life-style, they were not acting as free, responsible persons.

    Is just unfettered ignorance. You REALLY don't know what you are talking about, and are obviously running from internal issues in your attack on so-called 'cult haters'. You also ignore the situation of someone raised within a high-control group.

    Stop wasting bandwidth apologist poster-person.

    Engage in the debate or stop pretending you are credible, it's got old very quickly.

    Keep on rocking in the free world...

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