Cult Fighters are short sighted fools

by proplog2 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    A good book I am reading on the subject of diversity and evolution is "The Global Brain" by Howard Bloom. Diversity is a very important part of ongoing life on earth. I do not desire a totalitarian state, or anything even close. Democracies can include enforcers as well as diversifiers, but there will always be war between them, for the rest of life on earth.

    Probalby more enforcers are dangerous than the diversifiers, who are often very helpful to continued growth and the evolving of societies.

    I am not some hard-core deprogrammer type, so don't assume sterotypes from me. My thinking is always in flux.

  • nelly136

    wouldnt worry too much prop, the 'Cults' are revolting,

    FIREPHIM - the International Federation of Religious
    and Philosophical Minorities- was registered in Strasbourg on
    December 17, 1992 "to make ourselves heard by the European
    Parliament and the European Court of Human Rights ."

    The group, rounded and led by Scientology, has among its
    members the Unification Church (Moonies); the former Children
    of God (now underground in France); Jehovahs Witnesses; Baha'is
    Le Patriarche (a bizarre, cultlike organisation with numerous
    drug rehabilitation centres; leader, Lucien Engelmayr; not
    recognised by health insurance companies in France; associated
    with Lyndon LaRouche); Rael and Wicca Occidental.


  • sunstarr

    Nytele! You finally took off the mask and confronted the public. No wonder you've been hiding your true identity...

  • GinnyTosken


    While I hesitate to call all of them cults, I do agree that each social group has a set of glasses through which it sees the world. "Cult" to me implies a charismatic leader or organization that controls; many of these belief systems are voluntary. I would call them maps of reality, paradigms, or myths.

    When we are awash in our own cultural myths, it is difficult to distinguish them from reality. As Joseph Campbell says: "Myth is other people's religion."

    I certainly do not approve of terrorism or coercion by fear in any form. Still, I can't help but notice that the terrorists did hit symbols that hurt--money and military might.

    In The Passionate Life, Sam Keen argues that we have been moving beyond capitalism, which demanded an ethic of postponed gratification, into a myth of consumerism:

    The corporate society uses Madison Avenue as its office of propaganda and television as its medium to create icons of eros. The saints of the secular vision--the famous, the beautiful, the powerful, the sexy--promote its view of the good life. Faithful consumers are certain that the longing of the heart will finally be satisfied if they perform the correct devotions--buy the product that has officially been designated this year's "in" style. The implicit promise of the "latest model" is "Consume and be satisfied"--or, in the old language, "Take, eat, this is my body." This corpus, this corporation, serves you the elixir of immortality, or its secular equivalent, the marks of status.

    Again, I do not condone the methods of the terrorists, but I have been violently shaken from my political insouciance and am vividly aware that money and power are no substitutes for justice and fairness.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I am opposed to cults. I am also opposed to huffing gasoline vapor.

    Both are destructive to the brain and both rob a person of his ability to make the most of his potential.

    I think your appeal on the basis of diversity is flawed - who benefits by having more morons and imbeciles - sideshows, perhaps?

    Life seeks it's fulfillment. To stunt life and call it "diversity" is to oppose life.

    "I wish to see, and I mean this most sincerely, I wish to see the last King strangled with the guts of the last Priest." - Voltaire
  • proplog2


    People sell their freedom of thought for a lot less than surrender to a cult. Young people have been conditioned into a mindless mass of consumers of Viacom.

    Humans want charismatic leaders to show them the way. If you don't have charisma nobody anywhere is going to listen to you even if you know how to turn coal into gold. Of course if you have a few hundred million dollars sitting around you can pull the levers without charisma.

    Cults are not to be hated. They need to be understood. If a cult is too weirid it will die an early death.

    We all do well to listen to the Pharisee Gamaliel Acts 5:34-39

    After listing a couple of cult leaders namely Theudas, and Judas the Galilean Gamaliel said: "Do not meddle with these men, but let them alone; (because if this scheme or this work is from men, it will be overthrown; but if it is from God, you will not be able to overthrow them;) otherwise, you may perhaps be found fighters actually against God."

  • proplog2

    Ho Chi Minn:

    There are stupid cults. There are dangerous cults. I prefer calling them simply "bad religion".

    Their freedom should not be restricted unless they break the law. At the point where they break the law they will be forced to make a decision as to whether they will obey the law or suffer the consequences.

  • Francois

    People who make sweeping, generalized, bullshit indictments like yours are worse than fools.

  • TR


    Have you listened to the band, "Bad Religion"? It's very good, you know.

    You said:

    The anti-cultists are narrow minded and uninformed to say the least.
    You see a lot of this here. It is mostly a cover for irrational hatred.

    That's about the most narrow-minded thing I've heard yet.


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • proplog2


    In other words you REALLY have nothing to say. Nice classy act. Have you traded in your style for Fred Halls?

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